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  • Levetiracetam 500mg tablet is commonly used to control seizures in individuals with epilepsy. Levetiracetam helps to reduce abnormal electrical activity in the brain that can lead to seizures. You can take this medication orally in tablet or liquid form, and it is mostly prescribed as a long-term treatment option for individuals with epilepsy. It is important for individuals taking levetiracetam to follow their healthcare provider's instructions carefully, including taking the medication at the same time each day and not missing doses.
    Levetiracetam 500mg tablet is commonly used to control seizures in individuals with epilepsy. Levetiracetam helps to reduce abnormal electrical activity in the brain that can lead to seizures. You can take this medication orally in tablet or liquid form, and it is mostly prescribed as a long-term treatment option for individuals with epilepsy. It is important for individuals taking levetiracetam to follow their healthcare provider's instructions carefully, including taking the medication at the same time each day and not missing doses.
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