TheKredible - Discover the market intelligently

The Kredible is a data platform that crunches critical numbers of Indian startups across domains such as e-commerce, fintech, healthcare, edtech among others. Our goal is to provide company insights and data for anyone to filter noise and evaluate startups solely through numbers.

#thekredible #data #insight #startup #news
TheKredible - Discover the market intelligently The Kredible is a data platform that crunches critical numbers of Indian startups across domains such as e-commerce, fintech, healthcare, edtech among others. Our goal is to provide company insights and data for anyone to filter noise and evaluate startups solely through numbers. #thekredible #data #insight #startup #news
Discover Companies Information & Database with TheKredible
Get all theTechnology, FinTech, Edtech,statups,companies information like Funding,Investors,people behind it, Financials, Newsetc.
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