The benefits of power naps are well-documented. A quick 20-30 minute nap can help improve alertness, cognitive function, and overall performance. And while there are plenty of ways to get some shut-eye during the day, one of the most popular methods is through the use of a power nap app. With a power nap app, you can set an alarm for a specific amount of time and then drift off to sleep. The app will wake you up when your nap is finished, so you can get back to work or continue with your day. There are a number of different power nap apps available, so it’s important to find one that suits your needs. For example, some apps allow you to set a custom alarm, while others come with a selection of pre-set alarms. Once you’ve found the perfect power nap app for you, all that’s left to do is kick back, relax, and enjoy the benefits of a quick snooze.

Source Link:  how to power nap