One of the most respected IT firms in Pakistan is Jaffer Business Systems (Private) Limited, which operates on the motto "using IT solutions to solve business challenges in a creative way." It encourages innovation in its business practices and services as well as an excellence culture. JBS has teamed with well-known IT firms including HPE, HP, Huawei, Oracle, SAP, Microsoft, Vertiv, VMware, Veeam, F5, Fortinet, Kaspersky, Wallix, and Digital Guardian in pursuit of this precise goal of excellence. In addition, it has taken the lead in fostering the startup culture and presently manages three start-ups: Blutech Consulting, ENA, and Hysab Kytab. JBS wants to grow outside Pakistan and offer solutions to MENA and North America, among other worldwide markets. Ours US based company, JBS Devices focuses on the industry’s need for innovative hardware and software products and services.
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  • Servicer Provider στο Software House
  • ζει στην california
  • Από california
  • σπούδασε BA στο university of california
    Class of 4 semester
  • Male
  • είναι μεγάλη ιστορία
  • 18/03/1993
  • ακολουθείται από 0 μέλη
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