As we know WhatsApp Messenger is the most popular messaging app for smartphones and PCs. Millions of users use this app for online conversations every day. This also means that a large number of hacking attempts are made daily. Everyone thinks about how to secure their WhatsApp chats.

Signs that your whatsapp is being hacked

Are you worried about the security of your WhatsApp account, it is good to know that you can easily protect your WhatsApp account by following the instructions given in this article.

Smartphone temperature

If your smartphone is overheating. Most of the time, powerful apps running in the background of your phone cause the phone to heat up and of course, this can cause spying.

Increased battery consumption

If your smartphone's battery drains too quickly just by leaving it on cellular data or Wi-Fi, there's a good chance your smartphone has spyware without your knowledge.

To Hack Whatsapp Using Phone Number is very simple with AnyControl now. This can be done by installing an app that allows you to get the target device's text messages. As soon as you install AnyControl on the device you can view all the SMS and text messages including Whatsapp verification code

Along with the above WhatsApp hacking symptoms, other methods that may compromise the security of the WhatsApp application are as follows:

WhatsApp Web

Extract messages


WhatsApp Web

WhatsApp web is the new feature of WhatsApp and this feature helps you to access your WhatsApp account on the computer. You need to scan the QR code on the mobile phone, then you can easily access your WhatsApp account on the computer in real time. You can also access the Whatsapp account on your mobile using this app called "Whatscan For WhatsApp Web". This app helps you to access your WhatsApp account on multiple smartphones, just scan the QR code from the original WhatsApp account. 

The main solution is to check WhatsApp login from your main Whatsapp account. If you find the unauthorized device there, just remove all the unauthorized devices from WhatsApp Web. You can protect yourself from this WhatsApp hack by removing all devices.