It is an internet connection delivered by a high-capacity microwave radio link. It is also known as radio shot, WIMAX, WIFI LINK, wireless internet etc. Talking of advantage of this type of internet is that there are no requirements of infrastructure at the consumer end, no cable, ducts or phone lines. It is one way of providing high-speed internet, also called wireless high-speed internet. This service has benefited highly trafficked cities like LAS VEGAS and many services like VOIP LAS VEGAS have improved drastically after the start of these services. Apart from high-speed wireless internet services are reliable as well so not only services like VOIP LOS VEGAS have improved but it has provided another option of reliable internet service. 


There is a FIBRE connection at the point of presence which is connected to the national FIBRE network and therefore the internet which is connected to the interface of the radio which transmits this internet access over the air through the router converted into a cable at the consumer end. High-frequency radio waves which are undetectable by WIFI devices transmit an encrypted signal which is decrypted and converted back to a copper FIBRE connection at either end of the radio link.  


It gives the same speed i.e. same upload and download speed as given by the traditional FIBRE leased line which is 10Mbps to 10 Gbps. You can opt for speed as per your business requirementsLAS VEGAS Microwave Internet services have provided an alternative to FIBRE as the city is not only a casino hub but a hot business centre thus need and demand uninterrupted internet service is always high in VEGAS. 


They are configured to conform to EU and UK standards, and all hardware used are CE marked. As far as safety is concerned, although different manufacturers have different guidelines as long as you are not in the path of the radio you are very much safe even a meter away from the radio. It is very much safe and this is the reason that LAS VEGAS MICROWAVE INTERNET service has become very popular and is the choice of so many big casinos which require uninterrupted internet services as an alternative to FIBRE optics. 


There is a chance that radio signals are impacted by adverse weather conditions but this situation can be mitigated by ensuring the deployment of a backup radio to the primary link using certain frequencies which remain unaffected by weather conditions. Apart from this, there are other techniques like adaptive modulation to deal with the weather.  


It is pretty low and within milliseconds, VOIP, video conferencing, web browsing and many other specialist software works very much fine. It has lower latency than FIBRE cable as it does not have to pass through any exchange. 


As it is not shared and it is dedicated to one client only so automatically it is expensive as compared to shared internet services. , they are very much in line as far as the cost of service is concerned with FIBRE leased line but expensive than shared broadband service.  


It is a fantastic backup solution to FIBRE because in case of any fault in the FIBRE line, which can be any fault from general ISP fault or FIBRE break in a duct or maybe a fault back at the exchange microwave internet won't be suffering from the same issue at that time. This would allow the business continuity, other alternatives are not reliable like microwave internet in the event of FIBRE line failure.  


As far as delivering ultrafast speed is concerned its range is somewhere between 10 to 20 km, but this range has been increased in recent time and as far as 70 km internet connection has been possible delivering fairly decent speed.  

It is faster than FIBRE optics although both are ultra-low latency connections microwave is faster than fibre optics.