What is Bitcoin Improvement Proposal

Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) is a systematic approach for proposing and implementing changes to the Bitcoin protocol. It serves as a formal process that allows individuals to suggest improvements to the core development team of Bitcoin. The BIP process encourages active participation from the broader community, making it an inclusive platform for enhancing the Bitcoin network.

BIP documents are structured in a specific format and must contain a comprehensive explanation of the proposed modification, along with a thorough assessment of its potential impact on the network. These documents facilitate a clear and transparent understanding of the proposed changes.

Once a BIP is submitted, it undergoes a rigorous review process by the Bitcoin development team and the wider community. If the proposal gains approval, it can be integrated into a future release of Bitcoin, thereby introducing the suggested improvements to the protocol.

The BIP system has played a significant role in the ongoing development and evolution of Bitcoin standard, promoting collaboration and innovation within the community. This process enables a diverse range of contributors to have a voice in shaping the future of the world's leading cryptocurrency.

If you have valuable ideas or suggestions to enhance Bitcoin, you are encouraged to participate in the BIP process and contribute to the continuous growth and improvement of this decentralized digital currency.

How to submit a Bitcoin Improvement Proposal

How to submit a Bitcoin Improvement Proposal, If you have an idea for how to improve Bitcoin, you can submit a Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP). This is a formal process for proposing changes to the Bitcoin protocol.

To submit a BIP, first, create a GitHub account and then fork the Bitcoin Core repository. Once you have done this, you can create a new branch in your forked repository and start working on your proposal.


When you are ready to submit your proposal, open a pull request on the Bitcoin Core repository. Your pull request should include:

  • A clear and concise description of your proposal
  • The rationale for your proposal
  • Any relevant code changes
  • Test cases and/or example usage scenarios

Once your pull request has been reviewed and approved by a Bitcoin Core developer, it will be merged into the codebase and become part of the next release of Bitcoin C.

Types of Bitcoin Improvement Proposals


  1. Standard BIPs: Standard BIPs are the most common type, and they propose new features or changes to existing features within the Bitcoin protocol. These BIPs outline specific technical improvements that aim to enhance the functionality, security, or scalability of the Bitcoin network. An example of a Standard BIP is BIP 141, which introduces Segregated Witness (SegWit), a method to improve transaction privacy and increase the block size limit.

  2. Informational BIPs: Informational BIPs provide valuable information and documentation about various aspects of Bitcoin. However, they do not propose any direct changes to the protocol. These BIPs may describe how the Bitcoin network works, the underlying technology, or offer guidance on best practices for developing Bitcoin-related software. These BIPs serve as educational resources for developers and users seeking to gain a deeper understanding of Bitcoin's technical details.

  3. Process BIPs: Process BIPs define the procedures and guidelines for proposing and implementing changes to the Bitcoin protocol. They outline the steps and rules that should be followed when introducing new features or improvements. For example, BIP 9 sets out the process for adding new features through "soft forks," which are backward-compatible upgrades to the network.

By categorizing BIPs into these three types, the Bitcoin community ensures a structured and organized approach to the continuous development and evolution of the Bitcoin network. Each type of BIP serves a specific function and plays a vital role in the ongoing improvement and innovation of the world's first and most well-known cryptocurrency.



Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) is a crucial mechanism for implementing protocol upgrades that enhance the Bitcoin network. It operates as a formal process where developers can propose improvements, and upon community approval, these proposals can be integrated into the Bitcoin codebase. Over time, BIPs have been instrumental in introducing various upgrades to Bitcoin, such as increasing the block size limit and implementing support for Segregated Witness, a feature that improves transaction efficiency.

One of the remarkable aspects of the BIP process is its openness and inclusivity. Any individual can contribute their ideas to enhance Bitcoin by submitting a BIP. This encourages active community participation and fosters a collaborative environment for Bitcoin's development.

The continuous evolution and improvement of Bitcoin are a direct result of the BIP system, enabling the cryptocurrency to adapt to the changing needs and challenges it faces. If you have innovative concepts on how to enhance Bitcoin, I encourage you to partake in the BIP process and contribute to the growth and resilience of this decentralized digital currency