Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) are strategic decisions taken by companies for a variety of reasons, such as increasing market share, diversifying product offerings, or pursuing rapid growth. However, any M&A process necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the target company to ensure a successful deal. This is where m&a operational due diligence, specifically operational due diligence, comes into play.

1. Understanding Operational Due Diligence

Operational due diligence refers to the rigorous evaluation of the target company's operational aspects, including its operating model, processes, management, and organizational structure. It provides a holistic picture of how the company operates, its performance efficiency, and its operational risks and opportunities.

2. Importance of Operational Due Diligence

While financial due diligence provides a snapshot of the company's financial health, operational due diligence uncovers the inner workings of the business. This could reveal hidden inefficiencies, undisclosed risks, or potential for improvements which could significantly impact the deal value or the post-merger integration process. It essentially helps the acquiring company to answer the question: "How well does this business run?"

3. Key Areas of Focus

3.1 Operations and Process Efficiency

An analysis of the company's operations and process efficiency involves scrutinizing their production methods, supply chain, distribution channels, and more.

3.2 Management and Organizational Structure

The strength, effectiveness, and stability of the company's management team and the organizational structure are critical factors in determining its operational success.

3.3 IT Systems

Evaluating the company's IT infrastructure, systems, and processes is crucial to identify any potential technological risks or opportunities.

3.4 Compliance and Regulatory Review

This involves reviewing the company's compliance with applicable regulations, industry standards, and best practices.

4. Operational Due Diligence Process

While the specific process may vary depending on the nature and size of the target company and the acquiring company's objectives, it generally involves:

  • Preparation: Defining the scope of the due diligence, assembling the due diligence team, and gathering initial data and documents.
  • Investigation: Conducting in-depth analysis and assessment of the defined areas.
  • Reporting: Consolidating findings into a report, outlining risks, opportunities, and recommendations.
  • Action: Based on the due diligence findings, decisions are made about deal structure, negotiation, or even the decision to proceed with the acquisition.


Operational due diligence is a critical step in M&A transactions, offering valuable insights into the target company's operational health and capabilities. By identifying both potential deal breakers and opportunities for operational improvements, it plays a key role in safeguarding the acquiring company's interests and ensuring the long-term success of the deal. As with all due diligence, the complexity of operational due diligence underscores the importance of having skilled and experienced professionals conduct the process.