Thanks to advancements in technology and aesthetic treatments, permanent tattoos can now be removed from your body. This can be performed using a variety of methods. On the other hand, laser tattoo removal is regarded to be an effective method. There are a few things you should know about laser tattoo removal if you have a tattoo on any region of your body and want it removed. To assess whether you can afford it, you need be informed of the laser tattoo removal cost in Dubai, as well as other factors. Let's take a closer look at the price and the factors that influence it.

Skin Type

When calculating the cost, the skin type is quite important. The lighter your skin, the fewer treatments you'll need to achieve your desired results. As a result, the price is determined by the skin type.

Target Area

The cost of laser tattoo removal in Dubai is also determined by the location of the tattoo on your body. In comparison to other parts of your body, the neck and head have a higher chance of success. If you wish to remove a tattoo off your anklet, however, it will be more difficult to do so, thus the cost will be more. In other words, if you have a tattoo on your upper body, the cost of removal is cheaper than if you have a tattoo on your lower body.

Practitioner’s Expertise

Another important consideration is your practitioner's level of skill. You should hire a skilled practitioner, and the higher a surgeon's level of expertise, the more he costs for his services. Despite the fact that all of our professionals are highly skilled and board-certified, we charge reasonable fees for your convenience.


Another aspect that influences tattoo removal costs in Dubai is the color of your tattoo. Because different pigments are used to make each tattoo, each one has a unique hue. As a result, the number of sessions is determined by color, and the fee varies accordingly. In comparison to other hues, black pigments are simple to remove.

Amount Of Ink

The volume of ink used to make the tattoo is another element that influences the cost of tattoo removal. The amount of ink you use is determined by the type of tattoo you have. Amateur, moderate, minimum, and considerable amounts are split into four groups. The cost of a tattoo is determined by its complexity.

Scarring And Tissue Change

The placement of a tattoo sometimes causes complications. It may create a scar on your skin due to enhanced collagen levels. So, if you have a scar then more sessions are required to get the best results. As a result, the tattoo removal Dubai price will increase.

Type Of Laser

The cost of tattoo removal is also affected by the type of laser utilized in the operation. We use the most up-to-date lasers and charge a reasonable fee.


It's also crucial to choose the tattoo's size. The greater the size of your tattoo, the more you'll have to pay the artist.

Tattoo Removal Cost At Dubai Cosmetic Surgery Clinic

Here, at Dubai Edenderma Clinic, we are offering a cost that will be affordable for youHowever, it can change depending upon the factors mentioned above.