Ha! Now that I have your attention, let me explain one of my favorite billiard games that I enjoy simply to pass the time. I call the free games online no download Pocket Pool, just for the comedic value, and it has provided me with hours and hours of billiard room fun.



Pocket Pool, or whatever you would like to name it, uses a point system to determine who wins. Points are awarded for the number of balls sunk, and at the end of each round, whoever has the most total points is victorious.



The setup for this billiard free games online no download is what makes Pocket Pool so unique. No triangle or rack of any kind is used. Instead, start by taking six billiard balls (their numbers or order does not matter) and placing one directly in front of each pocket. For the first round, each ball should be within an inch from the pocket, as if someone could bump the pool table and have the balls fall right in. The first shooter then takes the cue ball and starts anywhere in the kitchen, or behind the scratch line, and basically shoots until he misses. If he makes all six balls without missing, then round two begins by placing six new balls on the billiard table, this time with the balls being placed a balls-length away from the pockets. The cue ball is to remain where it stopped after each round, with no respot. Again, if Shooter 1 sinks all six of these, then round three starts with all the balls being placed two ball-lengths from the pockets, and so on. Using balls that are not in game use to measure distance from the pockets is the most accurate way to set up between rounds. Obviously, as the balls move further and further away from the pockets, the more difficult the shots become. If Shooter 1 misses or fouls at any time, his turn is over, and Shooter 2 begins with the billiard balls back in their original positions immediately in front of the pockets.



Scoring for Pocket Pool is generally set up at one point per ball sunk, although many variations exist. For example, instead of one point per ball, make it like a tennis match and give out one point per round of six balls sunk. This encourages players to increase in rounds rather than just individual shots. Also, extra points can be awarded for a number of reasons. You can award an extra point for knocking in two balls on one shot, giving out three total points rather than just two (two for the balls sunk and one extra). Or earn an extra point for sinking a ball in a pocket other than the one it sits in front of. Deciding on these additional point factors before the start of the game allows people to relieve boredom by continuously mixing up game play.