In Kundli or Vedic astrology, doshas are specific planetary combinations or placements that can bring challenges or imbalances in a person's life. 


Why do doshas occur in Kundli?  

Doshas occur in Kundli due to the specific planetary placements and combinations at the time of a person's birth. These combinations create imbalances in the energies represented by the planets, leading to doshas, which can bring challenges and obstacles in various aspects of life. Among the various doshas, the three most significant ones are:

Apart from this you can consult your janam kundli in hindi.


Mangal Dosha (Manglik Dosha) 

This dosha occurs when Mars (Mangal) is placed in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house of the birth chart (Kundli). Mangal Dosha is believed to bring difficulties in marriage and relationships, leading to conflicts, misunderstandings, and even potential harm to the partner or spouse.



  • The most effective remedy for Mangal Dosha is finding a partner with the same Dosha. When two individuals with Mangal Dosha marry, the dosha gets canceled out.
  • Performing Kumbh Vivah, a ritual where the individual with Mangal Dosha marries a banana tree or an idol of Lord Vishnu before their actual marriage.
  • Regularly chant the "Mangal Mantra" or "Gayatri Mantra" to appease Mars and reduce its malefic effects.
  • Donating red lentils, red clothes, or red coral on Tuesdays can also be beneficial.

Kaal Sarp Dosha

Kaal Sarp Dosha occurs when all the planets are placed between Rahu and Ketu, forming a "snake-like" configuration in the birth chart.

This dosha is believed to cause various challenges and obstacles in life, hindering progress and success.

You can check you free kundli in hindi.




  • Reciting the "Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Mantra" or performing the "Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja" can mitigate the negative effects of this dosha.
  • Worshiping Lord Shiva and offering milk or water to the Shivling can also be beneficial.
  • Fasting on Nag Panchami and performing Rahu-Ketu pooja during eclipses are considered auspicious to alleviate this dosha.


Pitra Dosha

Pitra Dosha is related to the negative influence of departed ancestors or forefathers due to unresolved issues or unfulfilled obligations in their lifetime.

This dosha can lead to family problems, financial issues, and hindrances in personal growth and happiness.



  • Performing "Shradh" or rituals for ancestors during Pitra Paksha is highly recommended to pacify the ancestors and seek their blessings.
  • Regularly offering food, water, and prayers to ancestors can help alleviate the dosha.
  • Donating items like rice, sesame seeds, and clothes to the needy on Amavasya (New Moon) days is considered auspicious for mitigating Pitra Dosha.


It's essential to remember that Vedic astrology and its remedies are deeply rooted in traditional beliefs and practices. While many people have faith in these remedies, their effectiveness can vary from person to person. Consulting a knowledgeable astrologer is advisable to understand the specific doshas in your Kundli and the most suitable remedies based on your individual chart and circumstances.

You can directly talk to astrologer online to seek the right guidance.