While the world of sex dolls is still a mystery to those who haven't explored it themselves (especially when it comes to people who truly love their sex doll), the average person today probably understands it a lot more than they did in years past. For example, they know that realistic love dolls have come a long way since the old, cartoonish, inflatable varieties you might have seen in movies or at bachelorette parties.

And thanks to well-made movies like Lars and the Real Girl and TV shows like Made for Love, you may also know that some doll owners are so attached to their dolls that they don't consider them just sex objects. Many even see their dolls as real companions. Some even say they fell madly, deeply and truly in love with their dolls.

But is that really possible? If so, how and why is it happening? And perhaps most importantly, if you decide to find out what it's all about and buy a doll of your own, could the same thing happen to you?

Chiaki 151cm E cup SE realistic female sex doll Love dolls

Is it possible to fall in love with a doll?

People who are confused by the idea that someone could fall in love with a realistic silicone love doll generally think so because they don't really understand how love works. They assume that the goal of that love must be a living human being, but that's not necessarily the case.

All that is really necessary to trigger very real feelings of human love is a connection, and there are many ways this can be done. Many doll owners develop a real bond with their love dolls as they spend more and more time with them, and it's more than possible that some form of love will grow out of that.

What triggers love in sex doll owners?

So how exactly does love develop between a doll owner and the doll that brings him so much happiness? Of course, everyone is different so of course no two sex doll relationships are the same, but most start out in one or more of the following ways.