So, you’ve landed your first construction project, and the contract you received specifies “General Conditions.” Before you hit the panic button or start Googling the term, let me break it down for you in tech terms.

What Are General Conditions in Construction?

General Conditions refer to the sections of a construction contract that define the legal stipulations, requirements, and administrative policies that apply to the project. It covers the details related to the overall project scope, budget, schedules, and responsibilities, among others. General Conditions are usually in a separate section from the “Specifications” or “Scope of Work” in a construction contract.

General Conditions typically cover:

Insurance requirements
Project schedules and timelines
Compliance with safety and environmental regulations
Changes to the scope of work
Dispute resolution procedures
Warranties and guarantees
Contract termination
Payment terms and conditions
Permits and licenses

Key Takeaways

Understanding the basics of General Conditions is key to successfully navigating through the complexities of a construction contract. Some key takeaways include:

General Conditions are the legal stipulations, requirements, and administrative policies that apply to a construction project.
General Conditions are usually separate from the “Specifications” or “Scope of Work” in a construction contract.
General Conditions typically cover areas related to insurance requirements, project schedules, compliance with safety and environmental regulations, changes to the scope of work, dispute resolution procedures, warranties and guarantees, contract termination, payment terms and conditions, indemnification, permits and licenses.

Advantages of General Conditions

General Conditions are beneficial for several reasons. Some of them include:

Clear contractual terms – General Conditions help to avoid confusion and minimize misinterpretations due to unclear terms and conditions. 
Risk management – General Conditions help to manage risks, including safety and environmental risks, disputes, and project delays.
Improved project communication – General Conditions ensure that all parties involved have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities, facilitating better communication and coordination among them.

General Conditions Industry Statistics

According to data from the Construction Industry Institute (CII), more than sixty percent of construction projects experience one or more claims during their construction lifecycle. The average claim on these construction projects is valued at $10 million, with schedule delays accounting for about 45% of the claims filed.

The most common sources of construction claims include design errors, scope changes, and misrepresentations or omissions.

To prevent or minimize claims, it is essential to have clear and concise General Conditions in place.

In Conclusion

General Conditions are an essential component of any construction project, and understanding them is critical to avoiding costly mistakes that could lead to delays, disputes, and claims. By including General Conditions in your contract, you can improve your project’s communication, manage risks, and ensure that all parties involved have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities.

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