There can be several reasons why people need to see an emergency dentist for their oral problems. Whether you have chipped teeth or need to undergo root canal, a dentist will be able to solve your concern. Emergencies can happen when you least expect them. It is necessary to know what you can expect during an emergency visit to the dentist. Let’s find out how a dentist can help when you are in severe pain.

Dental examination

The dentist will find out the root cause of your problem before suggesting any kind of treatment. This is usually done with X-rays and other examinations needed for your case. Sometimes, you may be aware about the case of pain when you already had undergone treatment in that area. But for other times, you may call a dentist and he will tell the reason for your discomfort. The provider detects for any signs of concern which can be infection or inflammation. The exposed nerves are a common cause for emergency visit which can be painful.

Other things the dentist considers are any kind of damage to the wisdom teeth or dental crowns falling out. A broken tooth can also be a cause for concern, particularly if it has any type of rough edge. Sometimes, the problem can be beneath the gum such as wisdom tooth that is trying to break through.

Relief from oral pain

It is quite common for people to see an emergency dentist due to severe pain. When you suffer from pain, make sure you describe it clearly to the dentist. After conducting an examination, the dentist takes each step to work on the underlying cause of your pain. There are certain medications needed like antibiotics that may take several hours to lessen the pain.

The first step is to give some kind of in-office pain treatment. Taking painkillers may be necessary after you return back to home. An injection into the area may be impacted often for quick relief at the clinic. Then the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are necessary to lessen any infection or swelling.

How to get temporary relief from pain or fix the problem

There is treatment to lessen the pain during an emergency dental visit, but this does not mean the problem can be completely treated. Fixing the underlying problem may require an additional visit. Seeing an emergency dentist may give temporary solution to get more time. There are treatments available like laser therapy which may address some concerns.

During the appointment, your dentist takes necessary steps to solve your concern. For example, when you suffer from a broken tooth, it is quite possible to remove some of the gums and lessen the rubbing and inflammation. But a follow-up visit is necessary to determine whether it is possible to repair a tooth or if the tooth should be extracted. Root canal might not be completely possible during this dental visit.

Other problems will need additional support. For example, when there is some damage to bridges, crowns, veneers or other kinds of dental appliances, these may require repairing or re-making at the dentist’s office.

An emergency dentist can help during the following situations:

  • Get relief from toothache
  • Relief from extreme dental pain
  • Tooth extraction in times of emergency
  • Proper care for oral infection
  • Restoration of a loose crown or filling
  • Manage wisdom tooth pain
  • Broken wires or brackets

When you visit the clinic for dental care during emergency, you might not be in fresh mind to take the right decision for your treatment and the costs involved. You can get help for pain now and then take the decision later.

Common conditions when people need to see an emergency dentist

Most people visit an emergency dentist for getting help from ongoing pain and discomfort in acute situations. Here are some common examples of when this is necessary.

  • Fillings– When the numbness wears off after filling a cavity, you may begin to feel the impact. You might even find your bite is no more aligned and an adjustment is needed
  • Broken tooth– A broken tooth forms rough edges which may damage the tissues and gums in the month. It is possible to visit an emergency dentist for getting some relief. This may include – lessening nerve pain, removing excess tissue and getting medications to lessen the infections.
  • Root canals– An exposed dental root may cause complex problems. It is quite possible to treat this condition during an emergency dental visit.
  • Wisdom teeth– When there is an emergence of a wisdom teeth or pain at the back of your jaw, it becomes necessary to get some relief. You might feel a pulsing beneath the gum but pain relief is possible.
  • Swollen gums– When the gums are swollen, this might cause an inflammation or infection. It can be painful and bleeding may take place. Emergency dentist can provide solution in this situation.
  • Pores in the teeth– Your teeth might be extremely sensitive and create a sensation of pain when you breathe. It is possible to receive de-sensitizer treatment that works like a varnish for sealing those areas. This may help to prevent cold air from entering into them.  

Other conditions for oral problems

There are other conditions when the dentist can help you too. You may not think of calling a dentist for these treatments but they can surely help you in an emergency.

  • Cold sores and canker sores – It is possible to get laser therapy that gives instant relief from pain and speeds up your healing process. The dentist may provide necessary treatment which starts working within a few minutes though long-term care may be necessary.
  • Sinus pressure– When you have sinus pressure that does not respond to other treatments, it might be related to your dental health. Seeing a dentist can help you to rule out any dental problem with others.

It is advisable to go for an emergency dentist visit and get the treatment you need right away. This will enable you to create a plan for your ongoing concerns during the upcoming visits.