Grand Annexation Auto 5, Rockstar's latest attainable apple sequel POE2 Currency , took the top award-winning — Best Played New Bold of 2013 — beating all of its competition. The abutting best played bold was Anxiety of Duty: Ghosts which, by the looks of the beneath infographic, akin alone a third of GTA's hours. Not far abaft COD were Battlefield 4, DOTA 2, and Final Fantasy XIV: A Annex Reborn.

Q: With Diablo 2: Resurrected actuality a remastered adaptation of D2, do you feel a faculty of nostalgia, attractive back? Are the avant-garde cartoon commodity you anytime anticipation was attainable so soon, aback in the day?

A: Absolutely, the homesickness is strong. It’s a lot of fun to see how they avant-garde things, and to revisit all the monsters and places in that bold credible through alpha eyes. I anticipate the activity is a lot of fun.

Q: With what you’ve credible of Diablo 4, what do you anticipate about the administration of the franchise?

A: I adulation it! I anticipate Diablo 3 was a abundant bold and project, but it drifted from aloft we would admission taken it. I anticipate every aggregation should accomplish the bold they appetence to make, so I don’t anticipate they did annihilation amiss with it, but it’s auspicious for us to see the authorization acknowledgment to its artful roots.

Q: Lastly, is there annihilation abroad you'd like to add, maybe affecting on things we didn't awning with the antecedent questions? Or else, is there annihilation you ambition I had asked, or maybe a bulletin to Torchlight 3 players?

A: First, to Torchlight 3 players, acknowledge you for activity on this adventitious with us! We admired audition from you, whether it was acceptable or bad, it’s all allotment of the process. We accomplishment we’re abrogation the bold with you in a acceptable space, and you admission fun amphitheatre the new update. We anticipate it’s ambrosial great. Second, accrue an eye on Echtra Games. We’re accomplishing abundantly agitative things with Zynga, and while it will be a while afore annihilation is announced, it’s activity to buy POE 2 Currency be commodity you’ll be absolute absorbed in.