Electric vehicles are the future, and we've been hearing this phrase for a while now. With the gas prices skyrocketing every day, and the increasing awareness about the environmental impact of petrol-based cars, more and more people are turning towards electric vehicles (EVs). But it's not just the car owners who are enjoying the benefits of driving an EV, even the households that own an EV can benefit a great deal from it as well. In this article, we will explore how an EV charging station can increase your home value.

Why Do You Need an EV Charging Station?

If you own an EV, you would require a charging station to charge your vehicle. Many people assume that they can charge their EVs through a regular power outlet, but it's not that simple. Charging an electric vehicle through a regular power outlet can take a considerable amount of time and can also damage the electrical circuit in your home. Thus, owning an EV charging station is essential if you want to get the most out of your EV without any hassle.

How an EV Charging Station Can Increase Your Home's Value

There are several ways that an EV charging station can increase your home's value. Let's take a look at some of them:

  • Increased property value: According to a research report by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), homes with EV charging stations have a higher property value and sell 15% faster compared to homes without them.
  • Convenience for potential buyers: An EV pre-installed charging station makes your home more attractive to potential buyers who own an EV, which is becoming increasingly common nowadays.
  • Better ROI: Installing an EV charging station increases your ROI by more than the cost of installation. With the increase in the number of EV owners every year, the demand for EV charging stations is only going to increase in the future.
  • Increased energy efficiency rating: When you install an EV charging station, it can be considered as a step towards increasing the energy-efficiency rating of your home. This can also help in attracting potential buyers who prefer eco-friendly energy-efficient homes.
  • Positive environmental impact: Investing in an EV charging station can also contribute to the larger cause of reducing carbon footprint, which can be a major selling point for potential buyers.

Types of EV Charging Stations

Before installing an EV charging station, it's essential to know the types of charging stations that are available in the market. There are three types of EV charging stations:

  • Level 1 Charger: This charger is the slowest and can take up to 12-20 hours to fully charge an EV. It is ideal for home charging.
  • Level 2 Charger: This charger is faster and can fully charge an EV in 4-5 hours. It is ideal for situations where the car is parked for an extended period, such as overnight charging at home, or charging at the workplace.
  • DC Fast Charger: This charger is the fastest and can fully charge an EV in 30-45 minutes. It is ideal for public areas such as highways, city centers, and commercial buildings.


The future of automobiles is electric, and by installing an EV charging station, you not only contribute to the larger cause of environmental sustainability but also make your home more attractive to potential buyers. With the increase in EV owners every year, the installation of an EV charging station is becoming increasingly necessary.

If you're looking for a way to boost your home's value and increase its appeal to potential buyers, installing an EV charging station is a no-brainer decision. Not only will you enjoy the benefits of owning an EV without any hassle, but you will also be future-proofing your home and making a positive impact on the environment.

To explore further, check out our website: https://energy5.com/