Soft facilities management plays a crucial role in creating optimal working environments that promote productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall business success. To ensure effective management of non-physical aspects of facilities, it is important to implement best practices. In this article, we will delve into key insights and best practices shared by industry experts in soft facilities management.


  1. Comprehensive Facility Assessment:

Before implementing any soft facilities management strategy, conducting a comprehensive facility assessment is essential. This assessment helps identify the unique needs, challenges, and opportunities of the facility. Industry experts emphasize the importance of understanding the facility's layout, infrastructure, and occupant requirements to tailor solutions effectively.


  1. Effective Space Planning:

Efficient space planning is a cornerstone of soft facilities management. Experts stress the need for optimizing the use of available space to maximize productivity and support collaboration. By analyzing the workflow, employee requirements, and future growth plans, experts can design well-organized workstations, meeting rooms, and common areas that facilitate efficient operations and a positive working environment.


  1. Proactive Maintenance and Asset Management:

Maintaining the facility's assets is crucial for smooth operations. Industry experts recommend implementing proactive maintenance strategies to prevent equipment breakdowns and minimize downtime. By conducting regular inspections, monitoring asset performance, and implementing preventive maintenance measures, soft facilities management teams can ensure that assets are well-maintained, reducing the risk of disruptions and costly repairs.


  1. Efficient Vendor Management:

Experts stress the significance of efficient vendor management in soft facilities management. It involves selecting reliable vendors, establishing clear communication channels, and monitoring their performance. Regular evaluation of vendors' quality of service, responsiveness, and adherence to contractual agreements helps maintain service standards and ensure optimal delivery.


  1. Streamlined Service Coordination:

Effective service coordination is essential to ensure seamless operations. Industry experts emphasize the importance of establishing streamlined processes for managing various services, such as cleaning, security, reception, and maintenance. Utilizing technology-driven solutions, such as facility management software and integrated communication platforms, helps enhance coordination and enables real-time monitoring and reporting.


  1. Prioritizing Health, Safety, and Security:

The well-being of occupants should be a top priority for soft facilities management. Experts stress the need to implement robust health, safety, and security measures. Regular risk assessments, emergency preparedness plans, and training programs for staff contribute to creating a secure environment. Additionally, incorporating sustainable practices and adhering to relevant regulations and certifications demonstrates a commitment to environmental responsibility.


  1. Continuous Improvement and Feedback Mechanisms:

Industry experts emphasize the importance of continuous improvement in soft facilities management. Regularly seeking feedback from occupants, conducting satisfaction surveys, and analyzing performance metrics help identify areas for improvement. By actively incorporating feedback into operations and seeking innovative solutions, soft facilities management teams can enhance the overall workplace experience.



Implementing best practices in soft facilities management is crucial for creating optimal working environments that promote productivity, employee satisfaction, and well-being. By conducting comprehensive facility assessments, optimizing space planning, implementing proactive maintenance strategies, streamlining service coordination, prioritizing health and safety, and continuously seeking feedback, businesses can effectively manage their soft facilities. Insights from industry experts provide valuable guidance for organizations looking to enhance their soft facilities management practices and create an environment that fosters success.

About Us

Isnaad is an award-winning provider of soft facilities management services. We provide a comprehensive range of services including all types of cleaning, manpower supply, and specialized solutions. As a leading service provider in the industry, Isnaad meets the international standards for its services with its ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 9001 certifications.