Encountering an issue where an hp printer black ink not printing both side of the paper can be frustrating, especially when you need to print double-sided documents or presentations. This problem could be caused by various factors, such as incorrect printer settings or clogged printhead nozzles. In this step-by-step guide, we will provide effective solutions to troubleshoot and resolve the issue of an HP printer not printing black ink on both sides of the paper.

Step 1: Check Printer Settings

Start by checking the printer settings on your computer. Open the document you want to print and navigate to the print dialog box. Look for the settings related to double-sided or duplex printing. Ensure that the "Print on Both Sides" or "Duplex Printing" option is selected. If it is already enabled and you are still facing the issue, proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Verify Paper Type and Orientation

Check the paper type and orientation settings in the printer software or control panel. Ensure that the paper type matches the one loaded in the printer's paper tray. Also, confirm that the paper orientation is set correctly, either as portrait or landscape. Incorrect paper settings can lead to printing issues, including the absence of black ink on both sides.

Step 3: Check Ink Levels

Verify the ink levels of your HP printer. Insufficient ink in the black cartridge can result in uneven or incomplete printing. Open the printer software or control panel on your computer and navigate to the ink or cartridge section. Ensure that the black ink cartridge has sufficient ink. If it is low, replace the cartridge with a new one and try printing again.

Step 4: Clean Printhead

If the ink levels are adequate, it's possible that the printhead nozzles are clogged, leading to the inconsistent printing of black ink. Most HP printers have a printhead cleaning function built into their software. Open the printer software on your computer and look for the maintenance or cleaning options. Run the printhead cleaning utility to clear any blockages in the nozzles.

Step 5: Perform Deep Printhead Cleaning

If the regular printhead cleaning did not resolve the issue, try performing a deep printhead cleaning. This option is usually available in the printer's software or control panel. Deep cleaning goes through multiple cycles of ink circulation and can help remove stubborn clogs. Keep in mind that deep cleaning consumes more ink, so make sure you have sufficient ink levels before proceeding.

Step 6: Align Printheads

Misaligned printheads can also cause printing issues. To align the printheads, open the printer software or control panel and look for the maintenance or alignment options. Follow the on-screen instructions to perform the printhead alignment process. This will ensure accurate ink placement and improve the consistency of black ink printing on both sides.

Step 7: Contact HP Support

If the issue persists after following the above steps, it is recommended to contact HP support for further assistance. Explain the troubleshooting steps you have already taken to help them diagnose the problem more effectively. They may provide additional guidance or recommend a service appointment if necessary.


Dealing with an hp printer will not print black color on paper that does not print black ink on both sides can be resolved by following the step-by-step solutions provided in this guide. By checking printer settings, verifying paper type and orientation, ensuring sufficient ink levels, cleaning and aligning printheads, you can overcome the issue and achieve consistent black ink printing on both sides of the paper. If the problem persists, contacting HP support will help you obtain additional assistance to resolve the issue. Enjoy hassle-free double-sided printing with your HP printer once the problem is resolved.