Some people argue that keywords are no longer important when it comes to getting blog posts and other content to rank on Google and other search engines. This is untrue, however. You just need to be doing your keyword research correctly. Google “crawls” all content, indexing it based on the topic you’re discussing and the keywords you’ve used. Keep your posts on one topic and go into as much depth as possible. Try to answer questions that your target audience may be asking.
As Google Assistant, Sir, and Alexa continue to become more popular, people are more likely to use voice to search the internet. It’s likely that you’re regularly visiting at least a few websites that are relevant to your own business. Joining the conversation can be a great way to make a name for yourself by providing thought-provoking and insightful comments.
Email is an incredibly powerful way to increase traffic to your website. That’s because your list is likely to only keep growing and is unlikely to decrease. While blog traffic fluctuates, you’ll still always be able to email your list. Hosting live webinars used to be expensive. Now, thanks to tools like Google Hangouts, Facebook Live, and YouTube Live, it’s easy to create live, high-quality webinars without spending a cent.
Unless you have a starting point and a goal, you won’t know if you’re on the right track to increase traffic. You’ll need to pay attention to the data and analytics you’re collecting from social media and Google.
It’s also a good idea to put the shoe on the other foot. If you can have a micro-influencer blog on your website, they’ll share their blog with their audience. That means their audience will be visiting your website, where you can hopefully convert them into fans of your business. Your link profile strength isn’t only determined by the number of sites linking back to your website. It’s also impacted by how you’ve structured your internal links.
QA websites are also a great way for you to increase traffic to your website. That’s because websites like Stack Exchange and Quora are amazing at getting you found online without a complicated or comprehensive SEO strategy.
When you create content, add internal links wherever possible. This is great for SEO, but it also increases the likelihood of visitors sticking around on your site. It also means that they have a better user experience and are more likely to return.
Online ads can be a great way to generate thousands of clicks, and with social media and ad platforms regularly innovating, it’s easier than ever to get your ad in front of the right people.
Your website will see an increase in traffic due to the name recognition which will also boost your credibility. Not to mention, most interviewees will share your content with their audience, expanding your reach.
Google now shows a preference for responsive websites in its search rankings. However, responsive websites are also important for usability as well. No one wants to scroll and pinch their way around your home page, and they’re likely to just click back to the search results if you haven’t made the switch to a responsive website.