• Discover a vibrant blend of traditional wisdom and modern fitness strategies at Fitness Xpress Gym, the best gym near Greater Kailash (GK), Delhi. As we strive towards promoting holistic wellness, our unique approach combines time-tested yoga principles with state-of-the-art training facilities. Our star offering, the powerful 'Surya Namaskar' (Sun Salutation), is aimed at catering to your comprehensive fitness needs.


  • Revered for centuries, Surya Namaskar is a sequence of 12 dynamic yoga postures, each offering specific benefits to the body and mind. Traditionally performed at sunrise, This ritual honours the sun, the ultimate origin of life and vitality. But what does it have to do with your search for a 'gym near me'? Absolutely everything!


  • At Fitness Xpress GK, we believe in an integrated approach to wellness. We understand that fitness is not just about heavy lifting or high-intensity workouts; it's a blend of strength, flexibility, endurance, and peace of mind. That's where Surya Namaskar comes in.



Here are a few reasons why Surya Namaskar is our flagship fitness offering:


  1. Complete Workout: Surya Namaskar offers a full-body workout. It strengthens and tones your muscles, enhances flexibility, improves balance, and boosts your cardiorespiratory fitness. It is the perfect solution to your 'best gym near me' queries, offering comprehensive fitness in one dynamic routine.
  2. Boosts Energy Levels: As you flow through the poses of Surya Namaskar, you generate a warm, energising sensation, literally saluting the sun within you. It is a great way to kickstart your day or to recharge after a stressful day.
  3. Improves Mindfulness: Surya Namaskar is not just a physical exercise. It's a meditative practice that fosters mindfulness, reduces stress, and promotes mental well-being.
  4. Adaptable to All Fitness Levels: Whether you are a seasoned athlete or a fitness novice, Surya Namaskar can be modified to suit your fitness level and needs.



  • At Fitness Xpress Gym, we offer a variety of classes featuring Surya Namaskar. Our certified instructors guide you through each posture, ensuring correct form and technique to maximise the benefits and minimise the risk of injury. They adapt the sequences to your fitness level, providing modifications and variations that challenge but don't overwhelm you. Our gym facilities have everything you need for a comfortable and successful workout experience.
  • So, if you are searching for a 'gym near me' in Greater Kailash that offers something more than the conventional, look no further than Fitness Xpress India. We're not just the best gym near you, but a holistic fitness hub where traditional wisdom meets modern fitness. So, enter our inviting space, greet the sun, and transform your fitness journey with Surya Namaskar.