Query Management System is also known as Leads Management Software. Query Management system is one of the most important Feature of Travel CRM. As per their requirements, Organisation can customise their CRM like whether they want a complete company CRM or want only for specific department. Lead Management CRM is very much used in Travel and Tourism Business. We can consider it as Travel Technology Solution.

In Travel Industry, Query management system is very useful and mandatory to manage all the queries coming from Online Booking Portal or from any other source related to Hotel Booking SystemFlight Booking SystemTour Package Enquiry etc.

By using Lead Management System you can provide quick response to every query, regular follow ups to your customer. Lead Management System have some major features like set priority, assigning to staff, check follow ups details, easy reminder etc. Now everyone want quick action on his query so you can provide this and make good customer relation by providing a quick support. Lead management system increases query finalisation ratio and customer satisfaction which in turn takes your online business to a new height.

Here are the some major features of Query Management System

  • Query Listing: Every query which is raised by your users or visitors is listed here. So you can take a proper action towards that query.
  • Query Status: In this feature you can check the status of every query whether it is active or inactive.
  • Follow up Reminders: You can easily set reminder for every query as per client preference.
  • Quotation Builder: As per client requirements Staff can share quotations by mail or WhatsApp. This save staff time and increase efficiency.
  • Assign to staff or department: When you receive a query then you can assign that particular query to someone or solve it by yourself. This feature is also available in Travel CRM’s Query Management System.
  • Schedule Follow Up: In this feature you can add follow up details and follow up date according to the query status.
  • Multiple Query Source: In query management multiple topic related queries can be received like queries form contact page, feedback, holiday query, any booking query or any other travel related queries.
  • Admin Control: Admin can check all query details, follow up details and status of each query. Admin can also check staff conversation for particular query.
  • Reports: You can also check reports like – success ratio, sales, staff productivity etc. for each week or month as per your requirements. This increases your control on your business. 

Big Organisations need a centralised cloud based Query Management which can provide you the best view of your portal. You can see your Customer queries, agent queries, new leads for your portal. You can see queries from multiple areas of your portal and assign them accordingly to the concerned department so that it can be resolved or turned into Business at the earliest.