Melbourne Vape's range of vape starter Vape Kit, electronic cigarettes & pods have been chosen to give you the best vaping experience at the most affordable price. All of our vape starter kits at Melbourne Vapes are fully refillable and easy to recharge which makes the overall experience easier for you when starting out. We source our vape starter kits from leading brands such as Uwell, Geekvape & Vaporesso. Take a look at our options below to see which vape starter kit best suits you and if you have any questions feel free to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.



The Differences Between Sub Ohm Tanks and Pods

When it comes to vaping, there are many options available to users. One of the most popular options is to use a vape starter kit or a pod system. These two types of devices have some similarities, but they also have some key differences. In this article, we will explore the differences between sub ohm tanks and pods, and help you understand which option may be best for your vaping needs.



Sub ohm tanks are typically found in vape starter kits that are designed for intermediate to advanced vapers. These tanks use replaceable coils that have a resistance of less than one ohm (hence the name "sub ohm"). They are designed to produce large amounts of Disposable Vape Kit and flavour, making them popular among cloud chasers and flavour enthusiasts.

Sub ohm tanks typically require more power than pod systems, and are often used with variable wattage or temperature control devices. They also tend to use more e-liquid than pods, which can be a downside for some users.

One of the benefits of sub ohm tanks is their versatility. They can be used with a wide range of e-liquids, including high VG E Liquids. They also come in a variety of sizes and designs, allowing users to customize their vaping experience.



Pod systems, on the other hand, are designed to be simple and user-friendly. They typically consist of a small built-in battery and a pod that contains the e-liquid and coil. The pods are disposable, and are replaced when the coil or e-liquid runs out.

Pod systems are designed for beginners and vapers who prefer a more discreet vaping experience. They produce less vapor than sub ohm tanks, but can still provide a satisfying hit. They are also more compact and portable than sub ohm tanks, making them a popular option for on-the-go vaping.

Pod systems typically have a tighter draw than sub ohm tanks. They also tend to have lower power output, which means they require less e-liquid and battery life.



When deciding between a sub ohm tank and a pod system, it's important to consider your vaping needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider:

Experience Level: If you are a beginner or prefer a simple vaping experience, a pod system may be the better option. Sub ohm tanks require more knowledge and experience to use effectively.

Vapor Production: If you enjoy producing large clouds of vapor, a sub ohm tank may be the better option. Pod systems are designed for a more discreet vaping experience, and produce less vapor.


Flavour: Both sub ohm tanks and pod systems can produce great flavour, but sub ohm tanks are often preferred by flavour enthusiasts who want to experience every nuance of their e-liquid.


Portability: If you are looking for a device that is easy to carry with you on-the-go, a pod system may be the better option. Sub ohm tanks are typically larger and bulkier than pod systems.


In conclusion, sub ohm tanks and pod systems both have their advantages and disadvantages. Sub ohm tanks are designed for intermediate to advanced vapers who enjoy producing large clouds of vapor and experiencing complex flavour profiles. Pod systems, on the other hand, are designed for beginners and Dry Herb Vape who prefer a more discreet vaping experience. They are also more compact and portable than sub ohm tanks. When choosing between these two options, it's important to consider what device will suit your needs best and your experience level with vaping. We have a wide range of vape starter kids with sub ohm tanks as well as pods available to suit all levels of vaping.