Here are two quick tips to remember whenever you sit down at the best paying online casino blackjack table
Never split two face cards!
This is a common mistake made by newbie players who think splitting face cards and tens can double their profits. In fact, statistically speaking, it is never worth splitting up face cards as you trade a high probability of winning by 20 for the risk of losing twice your money if the new cards you draw are not the ones you want.

Always divide aces and eights
This is a no brainer, or at least it should be! A pair of eights gives you a terrible 16, and by splitting them you expect at least one face card to appear to give you a good hand. Even 1, 2, or 3 are good cards for getting 8, which means you have a lot of chances to make a winning hand. Likewise, a pair of aces gives you an unfriendly hand of 2 or 12, so it is much better to split them and hope that sevens, eights, nines and tens come up.