Menus were streamlined, QB's were more encouraged to run, and there was a shiny NFL Broadcast aesthetic Mut 23 Coins, but most of the modes, online options, and gameplay went completely untouched. And of course, like most entries, the commentary was limited, stale, and pretty lame.

The big thing with Madden NFL 23 was the introduction of player traits, which allowed for better players to be more effective than others when being controlled by the AI. There were also upgrades to momentum mechanics that improved the running game, player animations took a big leap, and super fans were excited to explore the most modes in a Madden game up until that point. So that was cool.

But compared to the title that came before it, 12 also suffered from lack of distinction. There were improvements, sure, and several elements of gameplay had clearly progressed. But the changes in the game didn't feel very significant, and it was hard to justify another purchase for what felt like a similar game. Also, as with seemingly every Madden title, the commentary was severely undercooked.

Madden NFL 23 did admittedly have a few cool new additions. A collaboration of video-game writers led to Longshot Mode, a 5-hour scripted story-mode that followed the life and career of quarterback extraordinaire Devin Wade. The implementation of the new frostbite engine also represented the biggest leap in graphics the franchise has seen to date Cheap Madden 23 Coins. So it sounded like there was a lot of new stuff to see in this release.