Ranking the top Vidalista reviews can be subjective, as it depends on individual preferences and priorities. However, here is a suggested approach to rank the reviews:

1. Rating: Consider the reviews that have the highest overall ratings. Look for reviews that have received positive feedback from other users, indicating a satisfactory experience with Vidalista.

2. Detailed Experiences: Give preference to reviews that provide comprehensive and detailed accounts of the individual's experience with Vidalista. Look for reviews that discuss specific dosage used, onset and duration of action, effectiveness, and any side effects experienced.

3. Relevance: Prioritize reviews that are relevant to your specific needs and situation. Consider reviews from individuals who share similar demographics, medical conditions, or lifestyle factors. This will help you relate their experiences more closely to your own potential outcomes.

4. Balance of Pros and Cons: Look for reviews that provide a balanced perspective, discussing both the benefits and potential drawbacks of using Vidalista black 80. This will give you a more realistic understanding of the medication's effects and help you make a well-informed decision.

5. Verified Users: If possible, prioritize reviews from verified users or those who have a verified purchase of Vidalista 60 mg. This adds credibility and ensures that the reviewer has firsthand experience with the medication.

6. Sample Size: Consider the number of reviews available for each source. While a single positive or negative review can provide insights, it is generally more reliable to consider reviews with a larger sample size. This helps to minimize the impact of individual biases.

7. Expert Opinions: If available, take into account reviews or opinions from trusted experts in the field of erectile dysfunction or sexual health. These professionals can provide valuable insights based on their expertise and clinical experience.

Remember, ranking reviews is subjective, and it's important to evaluate them critically while considering multiple factors.  Ultimately, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance based on your specific needs and medical history.