Crisps is the ultimate snack that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. Whether watching a movie, studying for exams or hanging out with friends, crispy goodness is always just a bag away. But do you know the history behind this beloved snack? How it's made? Or even better - how to enjoy them more healthily? In this blog post, we'll dive deep into all things crisps and answer all your questions about what makes them irresistible. Get ready to discover why crisps are not just any snack – they're THE ultimate snack!

The History of Crisps

The history of crisps is an interesting one that dates back to the 19th century. It's said that potato chips, or crisps as they're known in the UK, were invented by George Crum in New York in 1853. Legend has it that a customer complained about his fried potatoes being too thick and sent them back to the kitchen. In response, Crum sliced them paper-thin and fried them until they were crunchy - thus creating the first-ever crispy snack!

However, it was in the early 20th century that crisps became popular across America and Europe. Smith's Chips was founded in Britain in 1920 and quickly became a household name with its iconic salted flavour. Over time, more flavours have been introduced, such as barbecue, sour cream & onion, and cheese & onion, among others. Crisps have also evolved from being made from potatoes to include vegetables like beetroot or sweet potato.

How Crisps Are Made

Have you ever wondered how your favourite crisps are made? The process is quite fascinating! First, potatoes are carefully selected and washed to remove any dirt or debris. Then they are sliced thinly using a special slicing machine. Once the slices have been cut, they are rinsed two or three times to remove excess starch. Next, the potato slices are dried using a centrifuge machine that spins them at high speeds.

After drying, the uncooked chips enter a fryer filled with hot oil, cooking until crispy and golden brown. The cooked crisps move along a conveyor belt where excess oil is removed before being packaged into bags for distribution. It's not just potatoes that can be turned into crisps, either! Other vegetables, such as kale and sweet potato, can be sliced and prepared similarly to create tasty alternatives. The next time you enjoy a bag of crisps, take a moment to appreciate all the hard work and care that went into making them so deliciously crunchy and serve with yorkshire tea!

What Flavors of Crisps Are Available?

There's no doubt that crisps are one of the most popular snacks in the world. They're crispy, crunchy and come in various delicious food near me flavours to suit everyone's taste buds. Here are some of the most common and unique flavours available. First on the list is classic salted crisps. This flavour has existed since the beginning and remains a favourite among many snack lovers worldwide. If you're looking for something with a kick, then spicy chilli or jalapeno crisps might be more your thing.

For those who love cheese, there are several cheesy options, such as cheddar, parmesan, and even blue cheese-flavoured crisps! For sweet tooth enthusiasts out there - you'll be happy to know that sweet potato or cinnamon sugar crisps exist too. If you prefer a more exotic taste experience when snacking on crisps, why not try a prawn cocktail or barbecue flavoured? And if you're feeling particularly adventurous – how about trying chicken tikka masala-flavoured crisps?

The Health Benefits of Crisps

Believe it or not, crisps can have surprising health benefits when consumed in moderation. First and foremost, they provide a quick energy source due to their high carbohydrate content. However, not all crisps are created equal - those baked rather than fried tend to be lower in fat and calories. In addition to providing energy, crisps can also contribute to your daily fibre intake if you opt for whole-grain varieties. Fibre is important for maintaining digestive health and regularity and reducing the risk of certain chronic diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Crisps from vegetables like kale or sweet potatoes offer even more nutritional value by providing vitamins A and C and other beneficial antioxidants. These nutrients help support a healthy immune system, protect against oxidative stress caused by free radicals, and promote skin health. Consuming snacks like crisps in moderation can help with weight management by preventing overeating at meal times. When enjoyed mindfully as part of an overall balanced diet, crisps can be a tasty and enjoyable snack choice that offers unexpected benefits!

The Best Way to Eat Crisps

You can do a few things to enhance your snacking experience when enjoying crisps. First and foremost, make sure the crisps are fresh and crispy. Stale crisps don't have the same satisfying crunch. Next, consider pairing your crisps with a dip or spread. Classic options like guacamole or hummus work well, but get creative with salsa or even peanut butter for a sweet and savoury twist.

If you're feeling adventurous, try using crisps as a topping for salads or soups. Just crush them up and sprinkle them on top for added texture and flavour. Another fun way to enjoy crisps is by creating your custom blend of flavours. Mix different types of seasoned crisps for an unexpected taste sensation. Always savour each crisp slowly - it's too easy to gobble down an entire bag in one sitting! Enjoying each bite mindfully will help you appreciate the crunchy goodness even more. The crisps are now available at british store in Canada.


With their crunchy texture and wide range of flavours, crisps have truly earned their spot as the ultimate snack. From classic salted to unique and bold flavours, there is a crisp for every taste preference. While it's important to enjoy crisps in moderation due to their high-calorie content, they do offer some surprising health benefits, such as being a source of fibre and antioxidants.