(Mini Ornamental Fish) – How to raise Pi Ba Butterfly fish diligently clean the tank. The Butterflyfish is a particularly lovely fish right from the name. Distinctive, beautiful appearance with a golden brown back pattern used to camouflage against enemies. These funny, diligent, and gentle little tank cleaners are always working effectively to keep the aquarium clean. Therefore, the butterfly fish has a special attraction for those who are passionate about ornamental fish.

How to raise Pi Ba fish Butterfly fish clean the tank diligently

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Characteristics of the Butterfly Prickly Fish

The Butterflyfish belongs to the catfish species. They live in waters with strong currents, and high water flow, so their bodies have a very unique structure. The pelvic fins are large, hugging a flat surface usually rock and glass. For that reason, when viewed from above, the fish's shape resembles a butterfly spreading its wings. They have patterned dots on their backs that help them camouflage and avoid predators.

This fish belongs to the aquarium cleaning line, so it is very voracious and grows quickly. Pi Ba Sao is extremely fond of hiding in miniatures such as rocks, gravel, and caves... The average adult size is 5.5cm to 7cm, very small and cute.


Preparing the Habitat for the Butterfly Plover

Butterfly fish is easy to raise and easy to live. However, it is most suitable for them to live in clear, oxygen-saturated water. A pH of 6.0-7.5 is safe. The reason is that this fish is quite uncomfortable with the water environment, if the pH is not suitable, they will easily die.

In terms of temperature, the owner should maintain 24-30 degrees Celsius. The aquarium can be decorated with more plants, aquatic algae, etc. In addition, it is necessary to combine with gravel or create caves for Pi Ba Sao fish. This species is very fond of strong currents. Therefore, you need to pay attention to creating the best natural environment to help fish grow healthier.

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Suitable Food For Butterfly Snail

The Butterflyfish is an omnivorous ornamental fish. They can eat boiled leaves of vegetables, algae, and even moss and slime that stick to the lake walls. Besides, Pi Ba Sao fish also eat plankton, or part of the leftover food of other species. However, the owner also needs to combine some other foods. For example, shrimp in brine, frozen food, sinking pellets, worms... to provide adequate nutrition for them.


Tips From Cacanhmini For Breeders Of Butterfly Pluto

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Butterflies are very sensitive to water. Therefore, it is not advisable to release fish too soon after building an aquarium. You should only put the fish in when the water is stable, usually after changing the water 2-3 times.
When you just release the fish into the tank, do not release it too hastily, it will shock the fish and die. If you just bought fish, you should soak the bag in the tank for 5-10 minutes so that the temperature of the bag and the tank is evenly balanced. Then, just open the bag to slowly overflow the water and the fish will swim out by itself.

Although it is easy to keep the tank clean fish. But the butterfly fish, also known as the starfish, also need to be provided with a certain amount of oxygen. Therefore, the owner needs to equip with an oxygen aerator system to make the fish healthier and more comfortable.