Fildena Super Active consists of 100 mg sildenafil citrate as an lively factor used in the treatment of erectile disorder(ed) or impotence in guys turned into developed by Fortune Healthcare Ltd.

Purchase Fildena Super Active is available in excessive-dose ED drugs to help guys gain and hold a regular erection for an extended length. Fildena (Sildenafil Soft gel tablet) is available in an expansion of gel pills, which is the first-rate answer to conquer root penis imbalance.


Benefits of Fildena Super Active

  • Makes guys enjoy enjoyable sex
  • Boosts self-assurance for tougher penetration during sex
  • will increase sexual playtime for up to 6 hours
  • Easy-on hand impotence drugs at low priced prices
  • secure for lengthy-run use


How to take Fildena Super Active?

One tablet according to day of Fildena Super Active is normally prescribed through doctors. It need to be taken orally with water an hour or half of-hour before having sexual activity. The medication show their effectiveness inside 30 to one hundred twenty minutes after its consumption and can be taken before or after food. It’s encouraged to seek advice from the medical doctor for the proper and precise dosage steering steady with the patient’s modern fitness situations and medication consumptions.


How to work Fildena Super Active?

  • First of all, you have to take a pitcher of water or milk to take a pill, make certain you had lunch four hours ago to take Fildena.
  • Taking a Fildena tablet just after lunch or dinner is quite harmful as it does not erect the penis, and someone refrains from sexual stimulation.
  • So, eating a tablet is an easy mission, and best you need to take it before 30 minutes of sex.


Dosage of Fildena Super Active

The usual element is Ed medicine is smart to be requiring it as soon as in keeping with day and taking medicinal drug for an hour before organized sex. Two stakes ought no longer to meddle with one another; the most intense proposed restrict for 2 estimations utilized ought not to be exceeded. Do whatever it takes now not to revise the component in under 24 hours. The element ought to be extended constantly after the response is considered because unexpected affirmation might regulate BP.

Missed Dose

Well known the lacking part whilst you take into account it. She could hop if she had a practically perfect opportunity for the subsequent recorded phase. This applies to conditions, as an example, pneumonic high blood pressure, wherein the infusion habitual is quick.

Touch a clinical grasp speedy if an overabundance of drugs is suspected. You would possibly require a quick attention check for prosperity if the overabundance is essential.


Fildena Super Active Side effects  

There are possibilities of experiencing slight to slight aspect results after the consumption of the tremendous energetic version of Fildena, which includes

  • Painful and extended erection
  • Flushing (redness, warmth)
  • Indigestion
  • Respiratory and urinary tract sickness
  • Visible disturbances and blurring, and loss of imaginative and prescient
  • Loss of listening to
  • Dizziness and lightheadedness
  • Ringing or humming inside the ears
  • Nasal congestion
  • Palpitations
  • Headache



Keep tablet Sildenafil is to be stored carefully in cool and dry location. Keep the pills in same blister pack away from moisture inclined location and reach of direct daylight. Remedy is to be stored far from youngsters and pets.