The game was subject to a negative development. According to reports that were made nba 2k22 mt coins, the PC version will not be compatible with the current generation of the game. Cross-platform support won't be available for NBA 2K22 in the upcoming version.

This decision was made in order to help players buy more games. The cost of the game on consoles is not known. The game will be available for 429 TL on Steam. Based on the price it is reasonable to say that the game would launch on consoles at a cost around 500 TL.

The fans are unhappy with NBA 2K's unskippable ads. The NBA 2K series is being condemned for its loading-screen advertisements that appear in the game's main mode. On Saturday, Stevivor announced that an ad for Oculus appeared before the standard "episode" of NBA 2KTV that precedes a game loading in any of NBA 2K21's numerous modes. The message to modify lineups while the game is loading doesn't appear until the advertisement is over, so players have the option of watching the whole thing to the end.

Monday morning Polygon used the Xbox One game to search for the ads that can't be skipped. We couldn't find them in games loaded into MyCareer, MyTeam, or any of several Play Now matchups. It's possible that this is only affecting specific regions or versions buy mt nba 2k22, or 2K Sports already nixed the advertisements in the wake of the weekend's controversy. We've spoken to an 2K representative to seek clarification.