In the game Diablo 2, as you make your way through Sanctuary, you will come across a wide variety of enemies, quests, and treasures; in fact, the game is jam-packed with all of these elements. Immediately following the selection of your class, you will be whisked away to the Rogue Encampment, where you will be geared up with the essential items for conducting an investigation into the malady that afflicts the land and attempting to rid it of its effects. These hints and suggestions have been provided to you in the hopes that they will provide a boost to your knowledge and make you a more formidable opponent, both of which will assist you in achieving the goal that you have set for yourself. You will be able to accelerate your progression through the learning curve and increase the amount of loot you acquire if you keep these ideas in mind.

When you first set out on your journey through the Blood Moor and beyond, it is absolutely necessary for you to collect everything that falls to the ground. This includes anything that you think might come in handy for you as you travel. The vast majority of magical artifacts will be upgrades, almost all rare items (which will be indicated by yellow text) will be more significant upgrades, and tan text will be used to indicate unique items. Upgrades will be denoted by the color tan.

Items that are completely unique to themselves will have the highest possible quality, with a few notable exceptions (class Sets) for items that have green text. These exceptions will not apply to items that are entirely one of a kind. You are required to collect everything and determine what each item is in the game when playing on the Normal difficulty level.


Examine each item that is gray to determine whether or not it possesses any sockets.


- The fundamental make-up of the items that have text in gray is either Normal with Sockets or Ethereal, depending on the circumstances of the item's appearance

- The production of runewords, which are among the game's most potent items, requires the utilization of a set of components that are referred to as Normal Items with Sockets

- Runewords are among the game's most powerful items

- It is recommended that you begin the game by searching for two helmets that have open sockets, body armor that has a rating between two and three o'clock, and anything else that is necessary for your class

Ethereal items are superior to their mundane counterparts in terms of strength; however, they cannot be repaired; rather, once they have been used to their maximum capacity, they are destroyed. Ethereal items cannot be repaired once they have been used to their maximum capacity. Ethereal items can only be used once their full potential has been exploited, at which point they can no longer be used. Because of this, they are perfect for hiring out to mercenaries, but you shouldn't use them for your character because they won't hold up as well over time.

Runewords should always be generated as early in the process as possible rather than later on.
Some of the most powerful runewords in Diablo 2 can be crafted with a relatively low number of runes, and these runewords are among the game's most sought after. You can discover each of these abilities by exploring the Talent Tree. As soon as the tutorial comes to an end, you should immediately begin the game by searching for pieces of armor that have open sockets and gathering every rune you can get your hands on. The potentially game-changing impact that particular early-game runewords can have on a character's overall power level has the potential to be a deciding factor in whether or not they win.


Keep a Mercenary on Standby at All Times in Case You Need Assistance.
Barbarians, Rogue Scouts, Desert Mercenaries, and Iron Wolves are the playable races that can be hired in Diablo 2, and each has their own unique abilities and play styles. It doesn't matter who you choose to bring on board as a mercenary to fight alongside you and your team, you should never go into battle without at least one more mercenary by your side. Because of the dramatic boost in power that results when mercenaries gain levels and equipment as they advance through the game, the choice to employ a mercenary is not one that should be taken lightly and should only be made after careful consideration.

Waypoints, which are checkpoints that let you skip extensive stretches of travel, will appear frequently while you are moving through Sanctuary. These checkpoints allow you to circumvent extensive stretches of travel. When you make it to these bare areas of ground that are encircled by a collection of torches, the areas will become lit up. After they have been activated and made available to you, you will be able to return to these points whenever you like from any other Waypoint, including towns that are a part of the Act, once they have become accessible to you. You should still make it a top priority to collect as many of the Waypoints as you possibly can, despite the fact that some of the Waypoints are more important than others. If you do not find all of the Waypoints, returning to these locations will take a considerable amount of time; consequently, you should make it a top priority to locate all of the Waypoints.

It is important to conceal your items from other classes of players.
It is easy to make the mistake of believing that the only items worthy of saving are those that are pertinent to the class of your first character. This is a common misconception that can be easily avoided. Even if you don't think you'll ever be able to make a Barbarian, you should still keep track of every piece of the Immortal Kings Set that you find. This is because you can use any of those pieces to craft a Barbarian. This is due to the fact that you can never predict when you might require one. The Immortal Kings Set can be traded in for items that you actually want if you are playing the game online, and the Act 5 mercenary uses a lot of the same items as a barbarian does. If you are playing the game offline, the Immortal Kings Set cannot be traded in. You will not be able to turn in your Immortal Kings Set if you are playing the game through an offline client.

Direct the majority of your attacks toward the foes who present the greatest danger first. When you come across a Fallen, there will almost certainly be several Fallen Shaman in the surrounding area, and Blood Hawks will never be more than a short distance away from a Blood Hawk Nest. It is imperative that you do not skip this step and instead look for the enemies that present the greatest threat to you and work to eliminate them before taking on the pack as a whole. If you do skip this step, it is imperative that you look for the enemies that present the greatest threat to you. The Fallen and the Blood Hawks serve no purpose other than to distract you from attacking their more powerful counterparts so that you can concentrate on destroying them. This is the case in the vast majority of situations.

Before moving on to the Next Step, You Will Need to Farm
If you finish every quest and keep moving forward, you will eventually reach a level where the content is too challenging for you to handle. If you do this, you will have failed the game. If you continue in this direction, you will reach this destination. It is strongly recommended that you revisit content that you have already conquered before moving on after completing an Act or unlocking a new difficulty level, as doing so will prepare you for the challenges that lie ahead. Grinding in areas such as Tristram in Act 1, the Tombs of Tal Rasha in Act 2, and the Chaos Sanctuary in Act 4, amongst other locations, will allow you to gain some much-needed experience and new equipment. The grinding process is possible in each of these locations. This will provide you with the confidence boost that you require to carry on with your journey and put an end to the Prime Evils so that you can save the world.