Are you looking for a brighter, whiter smile? Look no further than St Edward Street Dental Practice in Leek! Our team of experienced dental professionals offers a range of teeth whitening in Leek treatments to help you achieve a more radiant smile. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of teeth whitening, the types of treatments available, and what to expect during your visit to St Edward Street Dental Practice.

The Benefits of Teeth Whitening
There are many benefits to having whiter teeth. First and foremost, a bright smile can help boost your confidence and self-esteem. It can also make you appear more youthful and attractive. Additionally, having a whiter smile can improve your oral hygiene habits, as you may be more motivated to take care of your teeth and gums.

Types of Teeth Whitening Treatments
At St Edward Street Dental Practice, we offer two types of teeth whitening treatments: in-office and at-home. In-office treatments involve a single visit to our office, during which we use a special light to activate a whitening gel applied to your teeth. At-home treatments involve wearing custom-made trays filled with a whitening gel for a designated amount of time each day, typically for several weeks.

What to Expect During Your Visit
If you choose to have an in-office whitening treatment, your appointment will typically last around an hour. During this time, we will clean your teeth and apply a protective barrier to your gums before applying the whitening gel. We will then use a special light to activate the gel, which will help remove any surface stains on your teeth.

If you opt for an at-home whitening treatment, we will take impressions of your teeth to create custom-made trays that fit your teeth perfectly. We will then provide you with the trays and a whitening gel, along with instructions for how to use them. You will wear the trays for a designated amount of time each day, typically for several weeks, until you achieve your desired level of whitening.

Is Teeth Whitening Safe?
Yes, teeth whitening is a safe and effective way to achieve a brighter smile. However, it is important to have your teeth whitened by a trained dental professional to ensure the best results and minimize the risk of side effects. At St Edward Street Dental Practice, we use only the highest quality whitening products and techniques to ensure your safety and comfort.

Maintaining Your Results
After your teeth whitening treatment, it is important to take steps to maintain your results. This includes brushing and flossing regularly, avoiding foods and drinks that can stain your teeth (such as coffee and red wine), and scheduling regular dental cleanings with our team at St Edward Street Dental Practice.

How long will my teeth stay white after treatment?
The length of time your teeth stay white after treatment will depend on several factors, including your oral hygiene habits and the foods and drinks you consume. However, with proper maintenance, you can expect your results to last for several months to a year.

Is teeth whitening painful?
Most patients do not experience any pain during or after a teeth whitening treatment. However, some people may experience temporary sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures.

Will teeth whitening damage my enamel?
No, teeth whitening should not damage your enamel when done properly by a trained dental professional. At St Edward Street Dental Practice, we use only the safest and most effective whitening products and techniques to ensure your comfort and safety.