The Difference Between Being Depressed or lazy

There are a few terrible stigmas associated with having depression. As is familiar with many mental illnesses, people may blame character issues on what is, in fact actually a chronic disease. Patients suffering from depression are usually viewed as unmotivated or lazy when the reality is completely different. Depression is a psychological disorder which occurs without consent and no amount or effort can stop it from happening.

If you're asking yourself " am I depressed or lazy?" ask yourself first whether you have a lack of motivation. "Laziness" is a matter of choosing not to do a particular activity, but depression is a chronic illness. It could be a temporary situation or issue with personality, but it's not a mental disorder. In addition, if you're worried that you're lazy, ask yourself if you're feeling unhappy, aren't enjoying the things you used to love and are struggling with your energy levels, sleeping and your ability to concentrate. These are all hallmark symptoms of depression.

Comparing "depression and the laziness?" Depression and laziness have several things in common and a lot of people are labelled as lazy. It is a common misconception that the "L-word"often goes with depression since it's a typical depression and mental health symptoms.

Is being lazy a sign of depression? It is possible. Depression and laziness impact the level of motivation, concentration, energy levels, and the productivity of the job. The main difference is that depression influences one's mental health and mood. In the same way those who are lazy aren't motivated by external factors due to their lack of self-awareness or understanding of what drives them.

Because of the stigma associated with psychiatric illness, many patients are reluctant to tell them or their doctors that they are experiencing emotional distress. Patients might try to minimize or deny symptoms, explain these as normal because of life stresses or other general medical issues, consider they are a result of a lack of character or moral flaws or do not view these as being within the scope of a physician's expertise or competence. Cultural or family beliefs could influence these beliefs. In the same way, patients might be reluctant to disclose information that they fear will be included in insurance or employment records; they may be especially worried about having a mental health diagnosis recorded.

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