The removal of long-lasting soil barrier chemicals has resulted in a steady increase of termite damage incidents across Australia. According to CSIRO, at least a third of all Australian homes have termites. Dan Purkis Pest Control is a trusted local service provider, specialising termite inspections and termite bait installations. We use a combination of traditional pest control methods and cutting edge technology such as thermal imaging devices, so we have confidence in our inspection process. For pest control services in Ashmore, Mermaid, Robina. You can visit our website at A new build project can be stressful and even more so if the construction site is infested by pests. Rubble is an ideal environment for pests to thrive in, so using Dan Purkis Pest Control’s services will help you keep them at bay. Even if you purchase an existing home, it is imperative to ensure that pests are eradicated before you make the big move.

Source: Pest Control Gold Coast Cockroaches
