Leaders are readers, as you've likely heard before.

In fact, a paraphrasing tool to reveal that whereas the average Fortune 500 CEO reads over 48 books a year, the average person only reads about 4 books annually.

That is not an accident.

But sadly, the majority of individuals consistently have trouble reading. Are you one of them?

Then, we have a few tips for you to read better and read a lot. Experts who offer assignment help services supported us in finding insights.

Here are the tips. Let’s have a look –

  1. Motivate Yourself

Stop procrastinating at all costs if you want to accomplish anything. There is no tomorrow; if there is one, it will never come. So gather your courage, give yourself a pep talk, and just do it, as Nike likes to say. Professional case study helpers agree with this tip.

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  1. Start with Something Easy and Fluid

The secret to getting back into reading if you have stopped for a very long time or are just starting is to always read something simple.

It will be a lot simpler for you to get back into reading if you choose an easy-to-read book.


However, if you choose an overwhelming and challenging book, you might decide not to read it.

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  1. Keep Your Phone Away

Social media is our biggest nemesis. Therefore, place your phone in a cabinet or another room when you are considering reading.

Make it a habit and start reading.

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  1. Read What You Like but Try Variety

You should read romances if you like them. You should read nonfiction if you like it. The secret is to read the novels you believe you'll like, not what other people are reading.

Giving in to peer pressure could be a wrong choice when it comes to reading.

There is no guilt in reading a chick-lit if your pals are reading self-help books. Just do it. However, there is no harm in trying out different genres.

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If you don't try something new and different, you don't know what you are missing.

  1. Read Before Bed Time

Take a book and attempt reading at least 10 pages before you go to bed; if you succeed for a week, up the number to 20. Then, up until you reach your desired destination, keep pushing yourself.

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Ref: https://www.zupyak.com/p/3360731/t/top-5-tips-to-read-more-books