While the kids may be rejoicing being let out of school for the summer, the parents are barely suppressing the groan. While summertime may consist of beach vacations 西瓜卡通  and cartoons all day, for the parents keeping children entertained through the summer is a hard task especially if you can't afford expensive vacations and summer camp. But for the ones that don't want their kids just sitting in front of a computer or television their entire break, there are a number of activities that you can do to keep teaching your children and that won't cost you a fortune.


  1. Make Your Own Popsicle


This is an activity that kids can do and enjoy their efforts everyday. And maybe mom and dad even get to enjoy their fun too. Instead of buying boxes and boxes of popsiclse and ice cream to help the kids cool off, you can show them to make their own popsicle. Everyone can get their favorite flavors and making your own is healthier than the store-bought brands.


What You Need


    their favorite fruit like strawberries, grapes, watermelon

    1 tablespoon of lime juice

    a dash simple syrup

    popsicle tray and popsicle sticks


Simply blend all the ingredients together in a blender and pour into the popsicle trays. Allow to freeze for 3-4 hours (make the kids play outside) and then enjoy!


  1. Easy to Make Sprinkler System


If you do not have a sprinkler and cannot afford to purchase one, you can easily make your own.


What You'll Need:


    a hose

    an empty two liter bottle


Begin by finding a limb or branch that is high enough for you and your kids to run underneath. Then poke holes into the 2 empty two liter at the bottom. After that, attach the bottle to a string and then tie to the limb or wherever you selected. Then take your garden hose, place in the top of the bottle and turn on. Instant sprinkler to help keep the kids cool, outside and having fun. Mom and Dad should join in too!


  1. Home-made Slip 'n Slide


Slip 'n Slides are a pretty ubiquitous summer pastime. If you don't want to pay the store prices for one, you can make one at home.


What You'll Need:


    garbage bags


    dishwashing soap

    duct tape


Begin making your own slip 'n slide by finding a long stretch of smooth area to place it. Then make sure that you get rid of all debris or rocks from the area. Those small things can really hurt. Then tape together trash bags and stretch them along the area, you could even nail the bags into the ground to keep them secure. Turn the hose on to make the slide wet and add bits of dishwashing 西瓜卡通  liquid to make it slippery. Be sure that at the end of the slide there is some soft grass or an intertube to help stop your child from running into something hard.


  1. Sell Lemonade and Iced Tea


There is nothing better in the summer than a glass of cold lemonade. You can help inspire your child's entrepreneurial spirit by teaching them the art of the sale and profit. Find a corner with a lot of foot traffic and set up a small table with a bright and cheerful sign. Then make a few batches of sweet lemonade and iced tea for your kids to sell for under a dollar. It teaches them classic business skills and maybe they'll even make a few dollars for the movies or candy. That's a win-win in every parent's handbook.