Tether is a digital currency with the symbol (USDT) that was introduced as a bridge between digital currencies and traditional currencies that has the ability to maintain stability over time. This currency is actually a digitized version of the US dollar.

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Tether is known as a stable digital currency (stable-coin); This means that for every 1 Tether unit created, 1 US dollar is added as a backup to bank reserves, which is completely transparent, auditable and manageable. There are many other stable currencies, but currently Tether is the most powerful and popular stable digital currency among users and investors.

Many investors and traders use Tether to protect the value of their assets due to being protected from the fluctuations of the cryptocurrency market.


Initially, Tether was distributed and offered on the Bitcoin blockchain platform, but with its growth and popularity, it is now offered on the Ethereum, Tron, Bitcoin Cash and Algorand blockchain platforms. This issue means easier access to Tether; You can also save on Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Tron and Elgorand wallets in addition to the official Bitcoin wallet.


E-Finx website creates and supplies Tether according to the needs of the market; Then the amount created is transferred to the Bitfinex exchange and other exchanges and investors can enter Tether into the market cycle through it.

History of Tether:

Tether's roots date back to early 2010, when technicians first theorized that Bitcoin's price might fluctuate wildly. Two groups (a startup called Realcoin and the cryptocurrency Bitfinex) started working on the idea that the Bitcoin blockchain could be used as a platform to issue Tether.


Eventually, the two projects merged to form Tether Limited. Tether was launched as a real coin in July 2014, but in November of the same year, it was changed to a digital currency by the Tether company. Today, the company allows users to store and transfer Tether currencies.

The most important features of Tether:

Price stability and protection from market fluctuations

- high security

Financial transparency

No restrictions on buying and selling

Ease of exchange with other cryptocurrencies or cash

High speed of exchange compared to traditional currencies

Insignificant currency transfer fees compared to conventional banks and financial institutions

Tether can be easily used and stored in areas where people do not have access to the banking system to store assets.

Buy USDT Tether:

To buy Tether, you can use Kucoin, Binance, Gate.io, bittrex or bitfinex exchanges, but due to sanctions and anti-money laundering laws, most international exchanges do not serve Iranian users, and if you open an account in one of In these exchanges, the possibility of closing or suspending the account is very high.


The best way to buy Tether is to visit the website of Iranian digital currency exchanges. Users inside Iran can directly buy the Tether they need from websites that support rial deposit services and transfer it to their wallet or convert their other digital currencies to Tether.

What are the concerns about Tether?

One of the concerns about Tether is that the centralized nature of Tether means that the public has no way to fully trust the documentation, blockchain, and public audit of the company supporting Tether.


Profits and losses also revolve around a concept; Limiting the space of cryptocurrencies to an alternative dollar, which is controlled by an intermediary and then expectations are formed based on it. This seems ironic, because the problem of trust and centralization were among the main issues that cryptocurrencies initially faced. They tried to avoid them.

Valipay services regarding Tether:

Due to the restrictions and sanctions imposed by international exchanges for Iranians to buy Tether, the Wally Pay website has made it possible for Iranian users to buy this cryptocurrency with the lowest fees. Also, the Wally Pay website has used new and powerful security layers to ensure the safety of users. If you want to buy or sell Tether, you can register your order from the buying and selling section of the website; In order to increase speed and prevent possible errors, all orders are registered and processed automatically, and support experts are also ready to solve your questions and doubts at all hours of the day and night.