In 2020, an unknown person or group named Ryoshi released a digital currency called Shiba Inu (SHIB), which is named after a breed of dog; According to Ryoshi, the purpose of creating this new digital currency was to develop a completely decentralized project.
Shiba does not have its own network and is an ERC-20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain. Shiba Inu started with a circulation of one quadrillion, its founder Ryoshi locked up 50% of the token in the Uniswap decentralized exchange to create liquidity; Another 50% of the token was sent to the wallet of Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, with the aim that large amounts of this coin are not held by a few big investors.
SHIBA digital currency in the crypto world
According to Daniel Polotsky, co-founder of CoinFlip (a leading bitcoin and digital currency ATM provider), the Shiba Inu currency has growth potential; But it is subject to extreme fluctuations and investing in this digital currency is very risky. Shiba's price hit an all-time high in October 2021 after Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeted about the coin. But the price has decreased by more than 65% by the end of April.
Where can we buy Shiba currency?
Shiba Inu is listed with the symbol SHIB on various digital currency buying and selling platforms; To buy Shiba Token, you can directly and indirectly use Iranian digital currency exchanges and foreign buying and selling platforms.
shibaswap exchange
A trading platform for the Shiba Ino token that has yet to be launched. The service was developed with the aim of a decentralized platform for buying and selling digital currency that allows traders to exchange their digital assets with SHIBA. Decentralized exchanges are the new generation of digital currency buying and selling platforms that can replace centralized exchanges in the near future by solving some problems. UniSwap is one of the largest decentralized exchanges in the world.
buy Shiba SHIB
If you decide to invest in this controversial and volatile meme coin, you can do it in the following three steps:
Choosing a buying and selling platform
To buy Shiba, you must first choose a reliable and safe trading platform, which can be a foreign or domestic exchange. Unfortunately, one of the problems of Iranian users in buying and selling digital currency is the lack of access to global payment methods, which to a large extent has been solved through Iranian digital currency exchanges. When looking to choose a digital currency exchange, there are important points to consider, including security and reliability.
Buy Shiba Ino token (SHIB)
After choosing a cryptocurrency trading platform, you can open an account and make your first trade. After depositing money to your account at the exchange, you can start buying SHIB.
Software wallets are usually free and you can transfer your assets to the software wallet after purchasing Shiba; You can also use hardware wallets to maintain security, privacy and more and better control over assets. Some of these wallets require you to pay a purchase amount in exchange for providing these items, and if you are one of those traders who have a lot of capital in the crypto market and want to have more privacy, we recommend using hardware wallets.
Investing in Shiba Inu (SHIB)
Investing in digital currencies is risky enough due to high volatility and lack of full regulation; Now think about how challenging it can be to invest in memecoins because their value mostly goes up and down based on the emotions of traders! Finally, we must say that investing without sufficient knowledge and information on Shiba and the future of Shiba Inu can be risky.