Then, why not reduce the entry barrier by including WoTLK Classic Gold on Game Pass for PC? Microsoft's persistent push to make Xbox the Game Pass division rather than a console company hasn't been unnoticeable, and the idea of having to pay a separate $15 fee for one game , when hundreds of others are included with Game Pass will be a difficult sell once the acquisition is complete. The idea of paying one monthly fee, with a slight premium of a few dollars for World of Warcraft access after about three months without any additional cost is much more attractive.

The idea of charging a subscription is logical considering the level of development required for World of Warcraft compared to other static games that may have been unplayed for a while. Subscription fees partially pay to keep the game going. If you're a corporation that has a plethora of funds and is determined to increase the scope of its game that's impossible for you to drop a chunk of World of Warcraft . A premium "Game Pass for PC Plus World of Warcraft " option could be able to solve the issue by offering discounts on the service if gamers also become Game Pass members.

We've already seen plenty of people requesting World of Warcraft to come to Game Pass since the acquisition was announced in the last week However, it's not just the present World of Warcraft players hoping for a discounted price that are major contributors here. Just like with the rest of Game Pass, it's the regular user browsing the library of games that can really boost the game's community size.

If you're using a Game Pass membership, how many times have you scrolled through the game tiles, discovered something interesting and downloaded it without even so much as any thought? How many times did that end up becoming the game you played for several weeks? The barrier of entry becomes virtually impossible with Game Pass, and the chance of enjoying a hobby in cheap WoTLK Gold is extremely high. I'm sure of this, because prior to quitting the habit (it truly was an addiction for me, therefore I won't be joining any newcomers this time) I played nearly none other games in two years. I couldn't afford to pay for games other than WoW and Game Pass didn't exist yet in order to allow me to consider other possibilities.