Various studies have concluded that the number of new businesses launched has increased over the last decade, notwithstanding the difficulty of determining the actual number of new businesses formed each year. According to Oberlo, in 2020, around 27% more new businesses will be founded than in the previous decade.

It is now easier than ever to start a new business. Anyone may form an LLC and set up a website in less than a day. Thanks to technology improvements, anyone can become an entrepreneur. Most businesses, on the other hand, fail after a few years. In the first year, around two out of every ten businesses fail.

Businesses fail because they cannot continue to operate owing to a lack of funds. Most businesses take years to succeed, and they rely on financial resources to stay afloat during that time. Entrepreneurs have a range of financing options at their disposal. If you understand the pros and downsides of each, you may make a better decision for your company's future:

1. Angel Investors

Angel investors use their personal funds to invest in businesses. Entrepreneurs who have gained early mo be reduced

mentum and demonstrated their potential are in a unique position to attract angel investors. Angel investors are usually willing to take a risk on companies (and founders) in which they believe, and they are less concerned about personal credit, business history, collateral, or sales performance. Working with angel investors, however, has both pros and disadvantages:


  • Startups in their early stages are welcome
  • No monthly charges are necessary
  • Mentoring and coaching
  • Potential for future financial support • Faster paperwork pro


  • Angel investors demand higher stock amounts (usually between 20% and 40%) Founder control is expected to
  • Finding angel investors can take a long time
  • Growth is expected to be swift for angels • Angels expect larger equity quantities (often between 20% and 40%)

2. Bank Loans

Banks are typically the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to finance and loans. Banks provide a variety of loan types to businesses that match particular criteria. Interest is charged on top of the principal on personal loans, just like it is on bank loans. The payments are made over a defined period of time and are automatically deducted from your business account.

Before contemplating a loan, a bank will require a copy of your business plan. Banks will examine your business strategy before deciding whether or not to offer you money. Examine a sample business plans and work with a writer to create a plan that is effective. Banks will examine both your personal and business credit. Banks may be a useful long-term loan option, but they may not be appropriate for persons with weak credit or who need money quickly.


  • To match your demands, a variety of lending options are available.
  • Low, stable interest rates will help you build your business credit.
  • Monthly payments that are predictable and have a fixed cost


  • Money takes a long time to arrive
  • Excellent personal and business credit is required.
  • The paperwork process is time-consuming.
  • It is possible that collateral will be requested.

3. Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is a great way for businesses to raise money by selling actual things. Kickstarter and Indiegogo, for example, connect entrepreneurs with potential "backers" who donate money in exchange for various prizes. Pebble, Sky Bell, and the Coolest Cooler are just a handful of the amazing products that have profited from crowdsourcing.


  • Financial risk is minimal.
  • The ability to verify your market
  • Keep your entire investment.
  • Organize a group


  • The majority of initiatives fall short of their funding goals.
  • Crowdfunding site fees eat into your profit.
  • Only suitable for products aimed at the general public.

4. Startup Incubators

Startup incubators are designed to help startup founders build their businesses faster. Mentorship, office space, and a small amount of start-up money are all regular features of 3- to 4-month programs. Depending on the program, the amount of money you can receive varies. Y Combinator, one of the most prominent programs, offers $125,000 in exchange for 7% equity. Other incubators provide financial options that range from $20,000 to $50,000.

In terms of the opportunities they present, these efforts give indirect forms of help. Entrepreneurs have the opportunity to pitch their businesses to investors during a Demo Day, which is held at the end of most programs.


  • Financing for startups
  • Mentoring from seasoned professionals
  • Workspace that is not occupied
  • Programs for business growth are available.
  • Opportunities for pitching


  • Due to scheduled schedules and responsibilities, you may lose some equity in your company.
  • Due to the program's fixed timetables and requirements, there is less personal and professional flexibility.

5. Government Programs

Start-ups and small businesses in need of finance can benefit from small business incentives and other government initiatives. There are numerous awards available, including grants for minority-owned businesses and grants for specific industries. Some awards may help start-ups, while others may help established companies. Other initiatives, such as the Halstead Jewelry Grant Award, which grants $7,500 to jewelry companies, provide assistance for highly specialized businesses. Look for grants that are suitable for your needs.


  • There are no payback obligations.
  • There are numerous grants to choose from. 


  • Limited financial support
  • Difficult application and approval process 

The type of financial assistance that is suitable for you is determined by the type of business you run and your financial situation. Is money needed right soon or can you wait? When compared to taking out a bank loan, angel investors are less inclined to partner with brick and mortar businesses. Software firms may favor angel investors, while product-driven businesses may prefer crowdfunding. There is no right or wrong answer, and a business owner's ability to work through rejection is crucial. Early investment can make the difference between success and failure. Make a list of the benefits and drawbacks of each choice.