Best Response Rate via your LinkedIn messages

How to increase your return rate?

The Sales question!

Before getting to the heart of the matter. Use your latest message templates.

Would you answer it (honestly)? For what ? What do your colleagues think?

Do you follow up on the news of your interlocutor? Are you talking about him or yourself?

Ameliorer Presence Linkedin

 “Do your homework!”

Do you know your interlocutor?

Find the information that will make the difference. Examine their profile, their experiences, your common contacts, their news, that of their company, their posts, etc.

Ex: Recent change of position, promotion, size of team/department, recent projects, recommendations given/received, company/school, joint activity, notable change in career path, recent posts, network interactions, professional social networks, etc. .

Where can I find this information on a profile?

Contact details: You can find their email, Twitter (sorry, an X), a personal site or other little nuggets to personalize your message.

The essential: Your experiences, schools, joint events, etc. (only works on your 1" degree network).

Activity: We find his posts, articles and all his interactions (likes, comments, shares). Enough to be creative enough for a good approach!

Take a look at their business page

Look at the posts

General company news, participation in events/trade fairs, recruitment campaign, launch of new services/products, announcement of fundraising, social projects, partnerships, etc.

Targets information directly or indirectly linked to its service, territory, mission, values, etc.

How to structure your message on Linkedln

The 4 blocks

Each message can have the same structure, just readjust it.

In terms of form, be clear about your intentions. There is no place to sell yet.

You don't yet know his needs, you're just looking to get your meeting with him.

Impactful title

A title that arouses the curiosity of your target. Talk about him or his company.

“Man mistakes his curiosities for love”

Ice Breaker

We don't force curiosity, we awaken it. The hook is still about him. Use one of the pieces of information you find to encourage him to read your message and show him that it was intended for him.


How legitimate are you to contact him? 4 lines max on your service which potentially responds to several challenges he encounters as.... CXO, director, manager, etc.

If you can, ask a question to start a conversation.

Call to Action

ffer him an exchange on a given time slot (3 dates for example) or give him the choice via Calendlyfor example. Too much wastage with the famous: "Depending on your availability"

Key elements of the LinkedIn message

Keep them in mind by noting that 70% of messages are opened on smartphones.

💡 Customize

💡 Start a conversation

💡 Be brief

💡 Think social

💡 Have an excellent Linkedn profile

Don't neglect your reminders

Rare are the prospects who will respond to you via a single message.

Like other channels, messages may require 2-3 retries.

A short, social message may be enough. No need to send him everything else, he will see it in the message feed.

"Hello Sébastien,

I take you back to the good memories of my previous message 😉

Depending on your availability, here is my agenda.

Looking forward to discussing in a few days”

Final tips

3 or 4 messages max/day, prioritize quality via this approach.

Target your shipments between 8/10 a.m. and 5/7 p.m. “switch” period.

Your prospects are more likely to be on their mobiles.

Use your network to prospect. You will find some nuggets there!

Hence the importance of working on your network throughout your professional life.

Improve your profile and make sure it sends the right message👌

About Company:-

Après 6 superbes années chez Linkedln et 3 en tant que consultant RH, profitez de tips d'initiés pour optimiser votre profil ou stratégie commerciale sur LinkedIn.

En parallèle de mon activité de Sales Enablement

Manager, j'accompagne les startups sur la création de nouvelles stratégies de vente via Linkedln.Spécialisé sur l'Outbound (acquisition sortante), nous retravaillons ensemble vos process et approche commerciale.J'ai accompagné +150 entreprises à acquérir et à fidéliser leurs clients, à faire de chaque employé un as de Linkedln et à repenser des profils selon les objectifs.

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Location:- France

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