Resetting a Canon printer to its factory settings can vary depending on the specific model you have. To know more about canon printer reset. However, I can provide you with a general procedure that may work for most Canon printers. Please note that performing a factory reset will erase all custom settings and configurations, so only do this if it's necessary.

Here are the general steps to reset a Canon printer to factory settings:

  1. Turn off the printer: Ensure the printer is powered off and not in sleep or standby mode.

  2. Press and hold the STOP button: This button may also be labeled as "Reset" or "Maintenance" and is typically located near the power button or on the control panel of the printer.

  3. While holding the STOP button, press and hold the POWER button: Keep both buttons held down simultaneously.

  4. Release the STOP button: After a few seconds (usually around 5 seconds), release the STOP button while continuing to hold down the POWER button.

  5. Wait for the printer to reset: Keep holding the POWER button until you see the printer's display or indicator lights change. This may take a few seconds, and the printer will eventually turn off.

  6. Release the POWER button: After the printer turns off, release the POWER button. To know more about how to reset canon printer to factory settings.

  7. Turn on the printer: Wait a moment, and then turn on the printer by pressing the POWER button. The printer should now be reset to its factory settings.

Please note that the specific button labels and locations may vary depending on your Canon printer model. Refer to your printer's user manual or the Canon website for model-specific instructions if you have trouble finding the right buttons or if the procedure described above doesn't work for your printer.

Performing a factory reset should be a last resort and should only be done if you're experiencing significant issues with your printer that cannot be resolved through other means. Resetting to factory settings will erase all custom settings, including network configurations and any personalized settings you may have configured. Make sure you back up any important settings or information before proceeding.