how to make yahoo my homepage on firefox : Are you a Yahoo enthusiast who wants quick and easy access to your favorite news, email, and more every time you open your Firefox browser? Setting Yahoo as your homepage can save you time and streamline your online experience. In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to make Yahoo your homepage on Firefox effortlessly.


Step 1: Launch Firefox

The first step is to open your Firefox web browser. Ensure that you have the latest version of Firefox installed on your computer for the best experience.


Step 2: Go to Yahoo's Homepage

Open a new tab or window in Firefox, and in the address bar at the top, type in and press "Enter." This will take you to Yahoo's homepage.


Step 3: Access Firefox Settings

In the top-right corner of your Firefox window, click on the three horizontal lines to open the menu. From the dropdown menu, select "Options."


Step 4: Set Yahoo as Your Homepage

In the Firefox Options menu, click on the "Home" tab on the left sidebar.


Step 5: Choose "Custom URL"

Under the "Homepage and new windows" section, you'll see a drop-down menu labeled "Homepage and new windows." By default, it's set to "Firefox Home (Default)." Click on the drop-down menu and select "Custom URL."


Step 6: Enter Yahoo's URL

A text field will appear below the drop-down menu. Enter Yahoo's URL, which is  into the text field.


Step 7: Save Changes

After entering Yahoo's URL, click the "Save" button to set Yahoo as your homepage.


Step 8: Test Your New Homepage

Now, close and reopen Firefox or open a new tab to test if Yahoo is set as your homepage. Yahoo's homepage should load automatically.


Congratulations! You've successfully made Yahoo your homepage on Firefox. Enjoy easy access to Yahoo's news, email, and other services every time you start your browser.


Additional Tips:

To customize your Firefox homepage further, you can add Yahoo as a bookmark or pin it to your Firefox toolbar for one-click access.

Keep your Firefox browser updated to ensure a smooth browsing experience and to access the latest features.

Yahoo notepad on computer :  Making Yahoo your homepage on Firefox is a straightforward process that enhances your browsing convenience. Now you can stay up to date with the latest news, emails, and more without any hassle.