In the context of WhatsApp, "DP" typically refers to a "Display Picture," which is the profile picture that appears next to your name when you send messages or someone views your profile. To set or change your DP in WhatsApp, follow these steps:

Open WhatsApp: Launch the WhatsApp application on your smartphone.

Access Settings: Tap on the three dots (menu) in the upper-right corner of the screen to open the menu, then select "Settings."

Edit Profile: In the Settings menu, tap on your name or profile picture at the top of the screen. This will take you to your profile settings.

Change Profile Picture: On your profile page, you'll see your current profile picture (DP) if you've already set one. Tap on your current profile picture.

Choose Source: You'll be presented with options to choose a photo from your phone's gallery, take a new photo with your camera, or select from pre-existing profile pictures. Select the option that suits you.

Crop and Adjust: If required, you can crop and adjust the selected photo to fit within the circular profile picture frame.

Confirm: Once you're satisfied with the picture, tap the "Save" or "Done" button (the wording might vary depending on your phone's interface).

Wait for Upload: WhatsApp will upload and set your chosen picture as your Display Picture. It might take a moment, especially if the image is large or your internet connection is slow.

Done: Once the picture is uploaded, it will become your new DP. It will be displayed next to your name in chats, groups, and your profile.

Please note that the steps provided are based on the general interface of Dp Whatsapp as of my last update in September 2021. WhatsApp's interface and features may change with updates, so the exact steps could vary slightly. If you encounter any issues or variations, it's a good idea to refer to the app's official help documentation or support resources.