How We Choose To Think Can Change Our World!

I felt it immediately. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed with an emotional hangover because I’d let the ‘outside’ in. I’d let some of my clients’ decisions and behaviors get to me. I wanted to rewind their choices and put them on a better path, but I’m powerless over people, places and things.  Yoga Life Coach

I should know better. We all should.

The good news is none of us are powerless over how we choose to act or react. We can choose to put on our spiritual Teflon and give others the dignity of their own path. Everyone makes bad decisions until we learn the lesson and make the right one. It is only when we get sick and tired of being sick and tired that we finally change. In other words, we have to learn the lesson and hit rock-bottom until it finally clicks and we KNOW.

Everyone has their own unique timeline for growth and change. Having compassion for others and allowing them to get the lesson in their own time works best. Think about it. People don’t change because you want them to. They change only if and when they want to. I can give them a few tools, shortcuts and life hacks to help them make better decisions, then it’s time for me, for us, to let go. We can choose to see people in their illness or their wellness. We can focus on joy, harmony and light, and actively ignore the rest with our spiritual Teflon.

What we focus on grows stronger. We can change the narrative by asking:

 “What’s going right?”

 “What’s the endgame?”

 “What action is needed?”

 “What’s most important?”

 “What’s holding me back?”

“What are you good at?”

 “What are you proudest of?”

 “What are you grateful for?”

Good thoughts become good deeds and inspire good actions that lead to better outcomes. Positive breeds positive and negative breeds negative. We have a choice. So, from now on I’m going to focus on the positive, do my best and let my spiritual Teflon do the rest so I always get up on the right side of the bed.

To learn how to master your thoughts, feelings and choices  when you purchase Susan Foxley’s life guide, “Mixed Up to Fixed Up In Four Weeks” today! Click here  ( to purchase this phenomenal map to mastering your future today!

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