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Hazelnuts, especially if consumed in shell, have important nutritional values ​​in a well-balanced diet and have various beneficial effects in protecting against diseases. Through a special combination of oils - especially the particularly oily structure of oleic acids -, proteins, carbohydrates, beta-sitosterol and essential vitamins and minerals, hazelnuts have a special place among other nuts due to their unique protection against malfunctions of the human body. It is known that consuming even just 25 or 30 grams of hazelnuts a day is enough to satisfy the recommended amount of Vitamin E, useful in the prevention of artery disease.

Comprare Frutta Secca Online

Hazelnuts in shell

Vitamin E contained in hazelnuts and their derivatives is also essential for the healthy functioning of the heart muscles and all other muscles in general. It is also essential for the well-being of the reproductive system. Vitamin E prevents the disintegration of red blood cells, thus combating possible deficiencies in the blood that lead to anemia. Another advantage of Vitamin E present in hazelnuts is that it prevents the factors underlying the formation of cancer. However, if cancer has already formed, then Vitamin E fights the spread of harmful cells. Beta-sitosterol, widely present in hazelnuts, is also a means of prevention against cancer, in particular prostate and breast cancer. Therefore, consuming at least 25 grams of hazelnuts per day protects the body from both heart disease and cancer.

Hazelnuts are rich in oils. These provide not only the body's energy, but also protection against external factors and the transport of vitamins melted into the oil itself. The functions that oleic acids perform within the body are multiple. For example, the oleic acids present in hazelnuts prevent the increase in harmful cholesterol in the blood and regulate the sugars present in the body, also increasing the quantity of Apapratein A-1 which is vital in counteracting circulatory system disorders and instead reducing the harmful Apapratein B.

A particularly beneficial oleic acid found in hazelnuts is linoleic acid. Linoleic acid plays a key role in the body's healthy growth and development

Vitamins and minerals present in hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are a good source of vitamins B1, B2 and B6. These vitamins are essential in blood formation and mental health, especially for developing children.

Furthermore, in hazelnuts we can find the following minerals in significant quantities:

Calcium: essential for bone and tooth health;

Iron: essential in blood production;

Zinc: essential in the development of sexual hormones;

Potassium: essential in stimulating the nervous system and for the correct functioning of the muscular system

Consuming hazelnuts is extremely important for a healthy life. According to some research, people who consume hazelnuts have a 50% lower risk of dying from heart attacks. Hazelnuts consumed in shell are one of the most beneficial neutracetic elements for the cardiac system.

💥Informazioni sull'azienda:-

La nostra azienda agricola biologica nasce a Vasanello (Vt), nel cuore della Tuscia, dall'esperienza maturata in tre generazioni di agricoltori. Qui abbiamo 20 ettari dedicati principalmente alla nocciola Tonda Gentile Romana e, ormai da qualche anno, abbiamo deciso di ampliare la varietà coltivando anche nocciole tipo Giffona. Tutti gli impollinatori utilizzati sono di qualità Nocchione.

Per avere un prodotto il più possibile sano e rispettoso della natura, siamo costantemente alla ricerca di sistemi innovativi per il trattamento della frutta a guscio. La nostra azienda dispone dei più moderni macchinari per la coltivazione e la raccolta, con tempi di lavorazione e stoccaggio brevi che garantiscono la migliore qualità del prodotto finale.

Il nostro laboratorio di produzione nasce nel 2017, offrendo nocciole biologiche coltivate, raccolte e confezionate localmente. La nostra gamma di prodotti comprende nocciole in guscio sia naturali che tostate e sgusciate. Il formato delle confezioni varia da 250g a 5kg.

💥Clicca qui per maggiori informazioni:-

💥Posizione:- Via Enrico Celestini, 5501030 Vasanello VT, Italy

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